Saturday, September 29, 2018

DNA Storage On The Moon ???

The latest in preserving human civilization was announced on Thursday: an encyclopedia of images and data stored in DNA and shipped to the moon in 2020.

One of the alarming discoveries of the modern era is that data storage technologies, from VCR tapes to floppy disks, are becoming obsolete at an increasing clip. As the cost of genetic sequencing has decreased in the last two decades, some researchers have touted the DNA found inside living cells as the data storage material of the future.

"DNA is very durable, and we want data storage that will last on the scale of millions of years," Nova Spivack, venture capitalist and cofounder of the Arch Mission Foundation, told BuzzFeed News.

You can read the rest @

If we cannot get it together as a species and work out our problems here on Earth, then I see no point in leaving a record on the moon. No one else cares, and if the ETs took the time to study us they would do everything in their power to keep us from escaping our planet and contaminating the rest of the galaxy.

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