Friday, September 28, 2018

Orca Apocalypse ???

At least half of the world’s killer whale populations are doomed to extinction due to toxic and persistent pollution of the oceans, according to a major new study.

Although the poisonous chemicals, PCBs, have been banned for decades, they are still leaking into the seas. They become concentrated up the food chain; as a result, killer whales, the top predators, are the most contaminated animals on the planet. Worse, their fat-rich milk passes on very high doses to their newborn calves.

PCB concentrations found in killer whales can be 100 times safe levels and severely damage reproductive organs, cause cancer and damage the immune system. The new research analyzed the prospects for killer whale populations over the next century and found those offshore from industrialized nations could vanish as soon as 30-50 years.

You can read the rest @

When the ocean's die, we die. And the rivers of filth now flowing into them can hardly be stopped, without a COMPLETE revision in the way humans do business.

And since we do not have the will to combat climate change, I doubt we'll take on this struggle either.

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