Saturday, September 29, 2018

Are We Doomed ???

Last month, deep in a 500-page environmental impact statement, the Trump administration made a startling assumption: On its current course, the planet will warm a disastrous 7 degrees by the end of this century.

A rise of 7 degrees Fahrenheit, or about 4 degrees Celsius, compared with preindustrial levels would be catastrophic, according to scientists. Many coral reefs would dissolve in increasingly acidic oceans. Parts of Manhattan and Miami would be under water without costly coastal defenses. Extreme heat waves would routinely smother large parts of the globe.

But the administration did not offer this dire forecast, premised on the idea that the world will fail to cut its greenhouse gas emissions, as part of an argument to combat climate change. Just the opposite: The analysis assumes the planet's fate is already sealed.

You can read the rest @

This is rather depressing. Is it going to be a self-fulfilling prophecy, or are they finally telling us the truth (i.e., that nothing we do is going to save us)?

If the UN claim is true ("if we do not change course in the next two years, we risk runaway climate change") and if Trump does nothing, does that mean he gets blamed for destroying the whole planet?

That's the problem with crying wolf too many times and with vilifying everything your opponent says - eventually no one believes you when you really need them to.

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