Sunday, June 23, 2013

Born in Kenya

Yahoo! News has confirmed that Obama ad-Dajjal was born in Kenya:

I have seen no convincing evidence that he was born in the US, and lots of poorly concealed evidence that he WAS born in Kenya. Since no real investigation was conducted, the issue is still open.

By the way, this is a perfect example of what Cass Sunstein calls a "crippled epistemology":

Those who worship Obama ad-Dajjal declare that no "proof" of his birthplace is necessary and that a photo-shopped phony document is good enough to justify their fantastic assertions. And somehow, those who require bona fide documents as proof are "nuts". If our epistemology is crippled, it is Obama ad-Dajjal and his minions who have crippled it, not the people.

Believe what you want. Ultimately the USA will NOT be able to shut out reality forever. THAT is why Obama ad-Dajjal is so paranoid about alleged leakers: he has LOTS to hide.

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