Monday, June 3, 2013

A new type of nuclear weapon?

If you will recall, during the Clinton administration Secretary of Energy Hazel O’Leary declassified the fact that minimum residual radiation (MRR) nuclear weapons had been tested and did exist. Now we may have confirmation that they exist and have been tested on the battlefield.
Please watch this video by Professor Chris Busby about the horrific birth defects in Fallujah, Iraq apparently caused by the weapons used in Operation Phantom Fury. I don't think he mentions Phantom Fury in the presentation, but that’s what he’s talking about:
Please also read this scientific paper he mentions in the video:
The device he calls a cold fusion neutron bomb “red mercury” is further described in this article:
Search the Internet for "ballotechnic explosive” and you’ll find lots of articles which discredit the concept. Does that mean it’s bogus, or that the powers that be don’t want this technology to fall into the wrong hands? Your guess is as good as mine.
But there are some things we do know:
  • Busby et al. reported that the uranium found in hair and soil in Fallujah was enriched,
  • They also reported the absence of fission products, and
  • U235 and U238 have different cross sections for fast and slow fission and other particle induced nuclear reactions.

If the uranium in the new device is used as a tamper, it might very well be natural uranium. That would mean that the observed U235 enrichment might take place when the device is detonated. And it would also mean that official sources who say that the weapons used in Phantom Fury contained neither depleted nor enriched uranium technically were telling the truth.

The ability to make such devices is probably limited to the US, Israel, and Russia. Since Russia would have had no incentive to use such contraptions against Iraq, Lebanon, and Gaza, that more or less narrows it down to "partners in crime" the US and Israel.

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