Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Questioning "reality"

Most of you know that I am a conspiracy theorist of sorts. I question everything, and I think most of what is carried by the mainstream media is at the very least misleading. It serves the interests of the sponsors and not the public in general.

When I saw this article about the Newtown shootings, it immediately caught my attention:

I have no idea whether the professor is right or wrong on this issue. What is most interesting is that anyone who even questions the "official story" about such things is VILIFIED and silenced.

OMG! He's a conspiracy wingnut!!! Stay away, for you own good!!!

What happened to distrust of government? What happened to questioning attitudes? What happened to unbiased investigative reporting?

Don't forget the Reichstag Fire, people. Governments, especially the US government, are well known for lying to further their interests. Didn't we just witness a string of lies from the State Department over the Benghazi incident? And didn't Obama ad-Dajjal dismiss the revelation of those lies with a "so what" attitude?

There is a lot at stake with the gun control issue. It would not surprise me if "our" government was willing to kill a few children to get the public to support general disarmament. After all, "our" government has killed children in Iraq and Afghanistan, tortured people, and committed war crimes on an almost daily basis and gotten away with it all because you the public really don't give a shit and are willing to believe whatever the talking heads of TV tell you to believe.

To quote Ronald Reagan: trust but verify. That rule should apply to everything, especially because there are so few independent, believable verifiers these days.

The two most important witnesses in this case (the mother and the alleged shooter) are dead. The alleged shooter's computer hard drive was, they say, damaged with a screwdriver and cannot be read. That part at least is pure bullshit.

What else about the official story is bullshit? We'll never know, since there's no way to find out. That by itself is a major problem. If the public cannot independently verify the accuracy of "the truth", then the concept of "truth" is meaningless.

If you have the time, here's the professor's original post about the shooting @ http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-sandy-hook-school-massacre-unanswered-questions-and-missing-information/5316776

Please read it and decide for yourself whether the government itself should be trusted on the subject of what the government has done, is doing, or will be doing.

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