Saturday, December 18, 2021

The Doctors

Here are statements by James Howard Kunstler with which I wholeheartedly agree:

By the way, while Dr. Anthony Fauci may represent the leadership of the corrupt US public health bureaucracy, we cannot let the medical establishment itself off-the-hook for this epic fiasco of crisis mis-management. There are roughly a million doctors in America, and all but a tiny fraction of them have gone along with Dr. Fauci’s wrongful and harmful edicts. The doctors were the ones who flushed sick people out of their ERs without treatment. The doctors had to be forced by court orders to administer useful non-vaxx treatments to sick patients. The doctors continue to administer remdesivir despite its obvious toxicity and uselessness. US doctors went along with the lockdowns and the destruction of livelihoods, households, and futures. Doctors appear to support vaxx “passports” and other coercive measures. And now US doctors are going along with the malevolent effort to vaxx-up all the kids.

American doctors have proven to be cowards, cravens, zombies, and fools facilitating Dr. Fauci’s evil campaign — in concert with the rapacious pharmaceutical industry and a government in thrall to sinister forces that seek to destroy the country. The doctors have disgraced and dishonored themselves. The doctors have probably undermined their own vocations, as well as the entire armature of US health care, which they have allowed to become history’s worst racketeering operation. You can be sure it is going to collapse now, along with the equally degenerate financial system and, alas, much of the on-the-ground daily business of our country. For that you can also blame the geniuses behind "Joe Biden."

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Medical doctors used to be among the most trusted people in the US. The COVID fiasco has proven the vast majority of them to no longer be worthy of our trust.

By the way, reports like this one strongly suggest COVID-19 is in fact "a pandemic of testing", as some claimed early on:

Doctors should have known this, but they did nothing to stop it. Ask yourself why.

Update - 12/19/2021

Here is additional discussion:

Rather vulgar, but on point. Doctors MUST be held accountable, or heaven knows what they'll do to us next.

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