Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Bogus Peer Reviews ???

Here is a great observation by Thomas DeLorenzo:

I just got my copy of RFK Jr.’s The Real Anthony Fauci. Flipping through the first couple of chapters, one thing really stood out — that Fauci dispenses some $7 billion in research grants to “public health” researchers all over the world. He has held that position for 30 years.  This means that for thirty years there has been one-man monopoly control over virtually all public health-related “peer review.”

This proves in spades what a clownish, lying, incompetent, corrupt stooge Fauci is when he responds to criticism with statements like “everyone I know agrees with me on this.” Yeah, everyone who works for him and is paid by him, or wishes to work for him and be paid by him (with taxpayers’ money). This means that “public health” peer review is a joke and a fraud. No other profession in the world would be taken seriously if one single government bureaucrat was effectively in charge of all the professional publications in the entire field.

You can read the rest @

When dissenting peer reviews are discarded or their authors cancelled, the entire process becomes meaningless. And I know for a FACT this is what's going on.

Fauci and company appear to have destroyed public health in the US, and perhaps even in the entire world. Why aren't they being held accountable? Is it because the real public health threat is "too many humans", and culling the herd is the only solution?

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