Thursday, January 7, 2021

Our "Mandela Effect" Election

Yesterday afternoon I turned off the "news" channels which were fixating on the spectacle in DC, and quite by accident watched the movie The Mandela Effect. I soon realized the movie accurately reflected what was going on in both the Capitol and our national capital.

When our nation's prevailing narrative/paradigm/simulacrum/simulation started to fray and crack (OMG, they noticed the electoral FRAUD !!!), it was time to do what TPTB always do - bring the two opposing sides together and inject violence into the mix. Once the battle erupts (it matters not who fires the first shot), the MSM and social media can easily steer the narrative to the desired outcome - see, we told you, Orange Man Evil. All his followers are evil, too.

And voila, the desired narrative/paradigm/simulacrum/simulation emerges repaired and stronger than before, all cracks sealed and the fraying rendered invisible.

Before you go away thinking that yesterday's spectacle "restored democracy" in the USA, you ought to read these observations by a Serbian-American journalist and blogger:

Had yesterday's rioting occurred in Serbia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, or any of America's other "enemies", the pro-Trump mob would have been hailed as patriots, heroes, liberators, etc. But instead they're wicked insurrectionists because, as we all know deep down inside, America is wonderful, G-d loves us (and only us), and we would NEVER rig an election.

NEVER !!! (At least not here.)

The best we can hope for from yesterday's clusterfuck is that stability has been restored. We also can hope that those who now control our government will do things which benefit We the People, but from where I sit such a hope would more accurately be called a delusion.

Those who will do anything to seize power usually are doing so purely for the sake of power.

Update - 01/07/2021

By the way, what proof do we have that those who stormed the Capitol actually were Trump supporters?

Once again, the "approved" narrative/paradigm/simulacrum/simulation is being accepted without evidence, investigation, or debate.

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