Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Is Atlas Shrugging ???

According to this essay, the US government is doing all the WRONG things mentioned in Ayn Rand's novel Atlas Shrugged:


I have read all her novels, and I used to believe her crap. But I'm here to tell you that all such contemporaneous comparisons leave out a very important thing:


Ayn Rand's "philosophy" profoundly influenced the Chicago School of Economics and the Federal Reserve System tenure of Alan Greenspan, who LITERALLY was one of Rand's disciples. And the nonsense which vomited out of her "philosophy" gutted the US economy and destroyed our reserve capacity to do just about anything. In short, her ideas DESTROYED America.

My recommendation? Any time you hear someone extolling the wondrous ideas of Ayn Rand, know that person to be an enemy of We the People and a shill for the rich bastards who are now lounging on their yachts or in their doomsday bunkers paid for by the looting of the American people.

Here Are Belgium's Recommendations

Here are the COVID-19 recommendations of a Belgian virologist:
  1. Italian-style lockdown, all non essential economic activities are suspended;
  2. Belgian day-care centers closed;
  3. FFP2 masks or gas masks or hydroxychloroquine, for all those on the front line; recycling of masks; those who have no real protection remain in reserve; more respirators are needed;
  4. Massive nucleic acid and serological screening of all suspected cases;
  5. Industrial production of FFP2 masks to put the population back to work when the health lockdown is lifted;
  6. Universal income during the government-mandated lockdown period.

Source - https://www.unz.com/proberts/marc-wathelet-a-virologist-and-specialist-in-coronaviruses-and-respiratory-diseases-explains-why-asia-was-successful-in-containing-covid-19-and-why-the-west-is-not/

In the US we're not fully implementing ANY of these, so if he is right we're going to have a difficult time getting out of the mess we're in.

US Military Junta Works In Secret

The Pentagon doesn't want the public to know how much it's spending:


Although this request is obscene, it's consistent with the fact that apparently NO ONE really knows how much they spend:


I say cut them off completely until they can pass a believable audit and justify every penny they spend.

Beware BlackRock ???

Asset management firm BlackRock will be helping the US Federal Reserve System oversee its balance sheet:

https://www.ft.com/content/f3ea07b0-6f5e-11ea-89df-41bea055720b [subscription may be required to view]

But is that such a good idea? Here are some claims about BlackRock from the German Business News:

BlackRock manages German assets and bets against them at the same time

The world's largest asset manager benefits in several ways. Some of the shares that are entrusted to it for investment are lent to itself in order to bet on falling prices. It is also allowed to manage the trillions created by the US central bank to save the financial system.

Source - https://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/503154/BlackRock-verwaltet-deutsche-Vermoegen-und-wettet-gleichzeitig-gegen-sie [translation required]

So, if BlackRock does in the US what it is being accused of in Germany, it may use our own assets to bet against their value in trades which benefit Blackrock but which will work to the detriment of the US Treasury and the American people.

Do you see now why the swamp backed Trump into a corner over the COVID-19 crisis? BlackRock is just about guaranteed a huge windfall, while We the People and "our" government are in a no-win scenario.

As Mike Whitney said, "We’re truly fu**ed."


We All Share The Blame

Here is an analysis of why the states actually share more of the responsibility for what preceded the COVID-19 crisis and what should be done to address it:


And speaking of Congress:

"It's amazing how quickly all of Congress turns into socialists (for corporations) the minute billionaires start losing some money."

Source - https://libertyblitzkrieg.com/2020/03/30/question-everything/

We all are responsible in some way for what is happening:
  • We let Congress pass laws which allowed the offshoring of our manufacturing and the gutting of our pension systems;
  • We let the Pentagon squander trillions of dollars on a "defense" system which serves no useful purpose;
  • We let the MSM tell us lie after lie without holding them accountable;
  • We let giant corporations like Facebook tell us what we can and cannot think and say; and
  • We lack the two things most needed now - discipline and solidarity.

The only place the buck should stop is in our laps. And the only way the US is going to get fixed is by We the People. The alternative is technocracy, and I doubt many of you would like it.

Anatomy Of The CARES Act

Here is a big picture version of the stimulus/bailout funds. Note it leaves out the REAL source of all this money - the American taxpayer:

Monday, March 30, 2020

Fighting COVID-19 The Swedish Way

Here's a report about how they're coping in Sweden:


You can find additional details here:

https://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2020-03/coronavirus-schweden-stockholm-oeffentliches-leben/komplettansicht [translation from German required]

Assuming this is true and their strategy is successful, it shows how screwed up we are in the USA.

Update 4/2/2020

Whoops! It looks like they're changing their minds about this:


Quote For The Day - 3/30/2020

"It is not money alone that makes the world go round. Ideology is the other wing, so to say. Ideologies are fashioned within organizations – they are known as institutes, clubs, think-tanks, schools and what not – and they spread and infect people like biological viruses. They come in the form of globalism, diversity, feminism, environmentalism, gender-mainstreaming and many others. The relation that holds between ideologies and money is quite complex. Without money – big money – ideologies would not be successful in conquering human minds; at the same time ideologies are powerful enough to attract big money. Billionaires have always been known to financially support new ideological trends because the implementation of those trends either suits their material interests or simply because they take fancy to such thoughts."

Source - https://gefira.org/en/2020/03/28/social-upheaval-and-mass-bankruptcies-are-coming-cash-and-gold-reign-supreme/

Animated Map Of COVID-19 Spread

Here is a representation of how COVID-19 spread around the world:


I have two observations about this:

1. Since most travel today is by airplane, that must have been the chief means of the spread of the virus.

2. Even if the virus had NOT apparently started in China, it still would have spread globally. The US, for example and unlike most other nations, has STILL not limited air travel to the degree necessary to prevent spread of the virus.

In my opinion, the vast majority of international air travel serves no essential purpose, and it should be drastically curtailed.

Submariners Missing The Pandemic

Here is a report about how submariners are missing out on the COVID-19 pandemic:


Well, sooner or later they'll have to come back to shore and mingle with the rest of us.

And just imagine what would happen if anyone on the crew carried the virus - everyone else on the boat would get infected and there would be no way to treat them. There is no way to "social distance" on a submarine, and they carry limited medical supplies.

I served on two subs in the US Navy. I can remember an instance when a message was received about a death in my family. The captain had the option to withhold the news from me but decided to pass it on. What the above report claims about "blissful ignorance" is correct, but I wonder how long news of something like COVID-19 could be kept secret.



Sunday, March 29, 2020

When Will The Next Shoe(s) Drop ???

People are focused on the pandemic, the number of new cases, and the number of deaths. Could there be any MORE bad news? Here are possible candidates:

a. Some argue that Trump and the Federal Reserve System are destroying the US dollar. I agree with them:

Potential risks of the combined cross-party rescue bill and Fed's biggest-ever bazooka include out-of-control inflation, the dollar's displacement as the world's funding currency, and the complete destabilization of the U.S. financial system.


b. The people that grow and harvest our food may not be able to do so for much longer. What happens then?


c. And here is something no one is yet talking about - insolvency of the Social Security trust fund. With so many people out of work, the amount of money being paid into the system has plunged, while the amount paid out continues to grow. How long until the system breaks?

For over three years, certain elements in our society have been laboring mightily to overthrow President Trump by making it nearly impossible for him to govern the country. We now are harvesting the chaos they have sown, as a gun shy leader with few if any wise advisers continues to stumble in the face of the COVID-19 catastrophe. Those of us who stood by and did nothing to stop this are just as responsible for the situation as the actual ringleaders of 'the resistance'.

Many now seem to fearful of two things - socialism and martial law. Allow me to point out that versions of both these boogeymen played key roles in rescuing the US from the Great Depression and getting us through World War II. Sooner or later we're going to realize that we need them both again.

I just hope we don't wait too long to wake up to that reality. And when we do, I pray there's another FDR out there, who in spite of many faults turned out to be the very sort of benevolent dictator we needed then and need so badly now.

Who can it be? Got any ideas?

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Here's What Germany Thinks

From the German Economic News website:

Corona originated in China. In addition, illegal Chinese textile workers played a large part in the virus being able to spread in Italy and then in Europe.

Source - https://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/503131/Illegale-chinesische-Textilarbeiter-brachten-das-Corona-Virus-nach-Italien-Doch-Europa-hat-keine-Kraft-sich-gegen-Peking-aufzulehnen [translation required]

That sounds pretty cut and dried.

Dr. Fauci, on the other hand, seems to think Chinese tourists were the problem:


Is he making excuses for the Chinese? I would not be surprised.

Personally, I would be happy if we could just pin down the source and the means of spread without having to play the blame game. Problem solving usually works best when it focuses on solutions and not on scapegoats.

We're Not Going Back To Normal

According to some of the folks at MIT, here is where we're headed:

Ultimately, however, I predict that we’ll restore the ability to socialize safely by developing more sophisticated ways to identify who is a disease risk and who isn’t, and discriminating - legally - against those who are.

Source - https://www.technologyreview.com/s/615370/coronavirus-pandemic-social-distancing-18-months/

Read that a few times and let it sink in, because that will be 'the new normal'. Somehow China's 'social credit' system was an abomination, until someone decided we needed it here, too.

Hmmm ...

If you want to know more, search the Internet using the term 'technocracy' and/or refer to this website:


By the way, it was the so-called 'anthrax attacks' of 2001 which helped ram the Patriot (sic) Act through Congress. Funny how COVID-19 is now serving a similar purpose.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Are We Living In 12 Monkeys ???

Here is a lengthy video (over an hour) which explores the modifications in human behavior which are being imposed in the wake of COVID-19:


You can think of this in terms of "conspiracy theory" if you want, or you can assess it for what it seems to be - an honest look at what is going down.

We may or may not escape the virus, but we're definitely not going to escape this assault on our 'way of life'.

Quote For The Day - 3/27/2020

"This is really the endgame. Wall Street has subsumed the US Treasury and turned it into a massively leveraged hedge fund that is controlled by an unscrupulous charlatan who made his bones evicting families from their homes during the worse economic slump since the Great Depression.

"We’re truly fu**ed."

Source - https://www.unz.com/mwhitney/the-senates-coronavirus-relief-package-must-be-stopped/

This 'stimulus/relief' bill is starting to look a lot like the so-called Patriot Act - a compendium of hugely damaging measures rammed through Congress without meaningful debate in the wake of what appears to be a tragedy of our own making.

When will we ever learn? My guess is NEVER, since we really don't have the tools we need to understand what is happening or the means to cope with it.

Yes, we are truly f-cked.

Update 3/28/2020:

Not only was there no debate, there wasn't even a recorded vote in the House:


THIS is how democracy dies. It happened after 9/11, and now it's 'the new normal'.

The US Outbreak Will Be HUGE

Take a look at this analysis, and you will see why the US COVID-19 outbreak is going to be HUGE:


Many Americans are irresponsible to the point of stupidity. Sadly, they may be the death of the rest of us.

Thanks for nothing.

A Spiritual Awakening ???

According to this essay, COVID-19 may lead us to a spiritual awakening:


I think that would be GREAT. But keep the following in mind as events unfold.

In a previous post, I discussed how to tell Christ from Antichrist. I have repeated it below, or you can view the original post here:


How to tell Christ from Antichrist

During Jesus' ministry two thousand years ago, He did the following to demonstrate that the Kingdom of G-d was at hand:
  • He healed the sick
  • He stopped strife and bloodshed
  • He raised the dead
  • He fed the hungry

When He returns during the End of Days, He will do the following to punish the inhabitants of the earth:
  • He will spread pestilence
  • He will cause strife and bloodshed
  • He will kill the wicked
  • He will spread famine

When that occurs, a charlatan whom we call the Antichrist will tell the inhabitants of the earth that they do not deserve the punishments which G-d is inflicting on them and will tell them he will save those who worship him:
  • He will promise to heal the sick
  • He will promise to stop the strife and bloodshed
  • He will promise to stop the killing
  • He will promise to feed the hungry

Yet, the Antichrist will not be able to deliver on those promises. He has no such powers. G-d will punish those whom He decides are deserving of His punishments, including the Antichrist.

The people of the United States falsely believe that they are without sin and are all going to heaven. When the punishment phase starts, they will flock to what they believe is the protection of the Christ, but it will be Antichrist to whom they turn. And in so doing they will turn their backs on G-d and seal their fate.

So how can you tell Christ from Antichrist? If He comes with G-d's wrath to punish you, He is Jesus Christ. If he comes with promises to protect you from G-d's wrath, he is the Antichrist. If you have been sealed by G-d, you're in the body of Christ. If you have taken the mark of the beast, you're in the body of Antichrist.

Yes, Lockdowns Work

New Zealand's lockdown appears to be quite successful:


The US, on the other hand, tried no such thing, and now here in Ohio alone they are predicting up to 8,000 new cases PER DAY, many of which will lead to death.

Our foolish urge to preserve our nonsensical "way of life" seems to be leading us to destruction. Are you happy now?

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Indicting Maduro

The latest absurdity from Washington, DC:


The same charges could realistically be levelled against the US government, military, CIA, and several major banks.

If we want justice, and I stress the word "if", get the ICC to indict US leaders and CEOs. Replacing them with honest people, if we could find any, is the ONLY way to stop drug trafficking.

The Case For Doing Nothing

Here is a compendium of expert opinions challenging the wisdom of the COVID-19 "panic":


If the morbidity and mortality rates really are no worse than seasonal flu, why the panic?

I'm not advocating doing nothing, but we definitely need to ask whether we are being scammed again by the rich.

So far the "bailout" price tag is $6 trillion, and the upending of our economy will have lasting impacts which cannot yet even be predicted. Was any of this really necessary?

Cui bono? It sure isn't you and me.

Here is further discussion of the issue:


Update 3/26/2020:

And here apparently is the REAL agenda behind COVID-19:


Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Red Over Red

A vessel displaying two red lights in a vertical line is not under command. In nautical parlance, "red over red means the captain is dead".

There is no better description of the current US government.

In spite of clear warnings about the looming pandemic, our government did nothing.

In spite of having the power to command corporations to produce desperately needed medical supplies, our government is doing nothing:


In spite of the realization millions of Americans now are out of work and have no money, our government would rather rescue corrupt CEOs and their rotting corporations than We the People. The coronavirus 'stimulus' is mainly a handout to literally worthless corporations at the expense of everyone else:


And now the President wants to put everyone back to work by Easter, a move which could pour gasoline on an already growing conflagration. Before he does such a thing, he should read this:


 ... and this:


The WHO projects the US to become the new center of the pandemic, and by the time that happens we will have alienated just about everyone in the world who could possibly help us. How dumb is that?

In the aftermath of the coming catastrophe, I hope the survivors learn at least two things:

1. Our foreign policy has been a disaster. We must stop antagonizing China and stop helping Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey destroy the Middle East.

2. Our economy has been and is a disaster. WE MUST NOT BAIL OUT the rich bastards (i.e., corporate CEOs) who have wrecked this nation. PUT THEM IN JAIL INSTEAD.

Please get some REAL leadership into the White House. And that does not include ANYONE who is currently running or considering running for President. They all are either morons or megalomaniacs.

Today's New Colossus

"Give me your busted financial speculators, your bankrupt businesses, your huddled hedge funds yearning for guaranteed high yield. The wretched of your banking system. Send me your former millionaires with now empty accounts and I will make them whole again. I lift my greenback lamp beside my free money door. Come in and get what you want!"

Source - https://www.counterpunch.org/2020/03/24/the-new-federal-reserve-as-garbage-can-for-all-capitalist-debt/

(With apologies to Emma Lazarus and dread for what our future may bring.)

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Yes, The Markets Are Broken

Hmmm ... corporations say they need government backing to ramp up production:


I though the equity and bond markets were the place to raise money for commercial ventures. The fact they no longer serve this purpose proves what a bad joke they have become.

The entire US economy is a farce.

China Has Already Won

Here is a great discussion of how China effectively managed its COVID-19 crisis while US "leaders" mismanaged ours:


While China now is helping nations manage their crises, the US is still using the pandemic to punish nations like Iran and Venezuela:


The world is not likely to forget our incompetence and cruelty. When this is all over, and perhaps even before, China will be ruling the world.

Closing Gun Stores

According to this report, there is a stealth campaign underway to close gun stores in the USA, thereby circumventing the Second Amendment:


My son-in-law works for a nationally recognized sporting goods store which used to sell firearms. On the day Ohio announced its "stay at home" policy, his managers directed that ALL firearms be put back into their factory supplied shipping containers and locked into storage vaults. The store also soon closed to the public and no longer can sell ammunition, either.

So yes, for whatever reason, guns are being taken out of circulation.

Perhaps this pandemic was accidental; we'll never know for certain. But one thing we CAN be certain of, the powers that be are and will continue to be using it as a pretext to craft a new 'way of life' and supporting government structures which support THEIR needs, not ours. EVERY tool which America's Founders left us to help safeguard our freedoms has been subverted.

Damn, are we screwed or what?

Glad I Left Texas

I moved from Texas to Ohio last April to be closer to my extended family.

Now I'm really glad I left, because the government of Texas would rather save "the economy" than save its own citizens:


I've had a good run, with some regrets, but overall I've been fortunate. When it's my time to go, I'll go.

But I'm NOT going to sacrifice myself for a bunch of morons who want to resurrect an economy which puts profits and corporations before human lives.

For an EXCELLENT discussion of just how screwed up governments in general are in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, please read the following essay in its entirety:


I'm sure many of you will agree with me that our current governments and way of life need a COMPLETE OVERHAUL ... NOT a "resurrection".

Monday, March 23, 2020

Solutions To Our Economic Crisis

According to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, we should use debt forgiveness and nationalization to solve the economic crisis:


I agree with him. The alternative is a huge cash handout to corporations and banks, none of which have the interests of We the People in mind.

And note well the final paragraphs of his essay:

The pandemic has made it clear that a society of self-seeking individuals is not a society.  A society is a social system. A successful social system is one that can support its members.  Once a self-sustaining social system exists, then there is a basis for people to branch out on their own.  But without a sustainable social system, there can be nothing.

To create a sustainable society in the United States requires the abandonment of dogmatic ways of thinking.  Old ideologies are in the way.  We and our leaders must think creatively if we are to successfully deal with the health and economic crisis.

Polar Opposites Confusing The Public

Here is an epidemiologist who claims we don't need travel bans:


And here's a summary of expert opinions saying we need extended travel restrictions, among other things:


Here is another set of polar opposites:

"He’s [the President] coming from it from a hope, layperson’s standpoint. I’m [Dr. Fauci] coming from it from a scientific standpoint."

Source - https://www.technocracy.news/dr-anthony-fauci-displaying-the-mind-of-a-technocrat/

When the scientists don't agree, why should we expect the President to do ANYTHING other than give us hope? OF COURSE he's a layperson. We all know that.

Obama ad-Dajjal gave us nothing but hope, and everyone thought he was G-d. Why are things different now? Because a Republican is in the White House? How freaking juvenile can we be?

Frankly, neither the press nor the scientific/medical community is really helping this situation. What everyone SHOULD do is meet beforehand, stick to a script, and toss out all the asshole reporters who come to the press conferences mainly to seek every opportunity to trip up the President.



US Kids At Higher Risk For Hospitalization ???

According to this report, US kids are at higher risk for hospitalization from COVID-19 than some of their peers around the world:


Any chance this might be due to all the vaccines they receive, vaccines which apparently DO NOT lower their morbidity rate?


If anything, we'll come out of this pandemic with an even HIGHER number of vaccines to take, and they all will be MANDATORY.

Is that a good thing? Once again, I have no idea, but we're going to find out.

What's At The End Of The COVID-19 Tunnel ???

Here is what at first may seem to be a comforting fact:

There's an infinite amount of cash at the Federal Reserve.

Source - https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/kashkari-says-fed-has-infinite-amount-cash-we-create-it-electronically

Yes, they can just shit fiat money out of thin air. But is that a good thing if there's no underlying economy to support that cash?

Here's something to watch for in the coming days as a flood of "money" pours out of the Federal Reserve System and the Treasury - it stems from this somber observation found in Kelly Mitchell's book Gold Wars:

Most hyperinflations feature a disappearance of the coinage. When the penny disappears, mark that date down. Hyperinflation may be near.

You can read the rest @

If our currency hyperinflates as a result of these COVID-19 measures, all hell will break loose.

Is this really a good time to open the funny money floodgates in such a massive and potentially reckless way? I have no idea, but we're going to find out.

Quote For The Day - 3/23/2020

"The Fed has known for more than 3 years that the corporations have been ripping off investors by selling them garbage bonds from which the proceeds would be used - not to develop new products or train workers or build factories or increase productivity - but to boost executive compensation via stock buybacks. That was the whole deal in a nutshell, more loot for greedy CEOs. It was a swindle from the get go. The Fed knew that, because everyone knew that. Now the Fed wants to make these hucksters ‘whole again’ because their bunco scheme blew up in their faces and they can’t tap into the credit markets like they did before. Too freaking bad."

Source - http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/54049.htm

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Ten Questions For The USA

You can find them here:


I repost these NOT to accuse the USA of anything, but to reinforce how little we know about the origins of COVID-19.

And in the current political climate I doubt many of these questions will EVER be answered.

Who Lives, Who Dies ???

Countries such as the UK are issuing guidelines concerning whom to save when the medical system gets overwhelmed. I expect the same to happen here in the USA:


Here is one of the reasons we got to where we now are - corporations outsourced everything to China while Congress took bribes donations to facilitate the process and/or look the other way:


Now US banks and corporations are going to use the crisis as another means to fleece the public:


And some want to charge President Trump with negligent homicide:


Here are some thoughts to tie this all together:

a. Trump may or may not be responsible for some of this mess, but his failings appear to have been exacerbated by the acts and omissions of those who preceded and/or accompanied him.

b. I doubt a President can be charged with "negligent homicide", but CEOs can certainly be charged with profiteering and price gouging.

c. All roads of this mess lead back to the promoters of globalism. They and their followers created the fragile just-in-time supply chains and the system of commerce which facilitated the rapid global spread of the disease and its financial impact.

Frankly, unless we change everything COVID-19 is just the beginning of our woes. And the change needs to start with universal debt jubilee and the dismantling of the onerous, fascist banking and corporate systems which are threatening our very survival.



If we don't stop them now, I doubt we'll ever escape the totalitarian state they appear to be in the process of erecting.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Where Are The Billionaires ???

Several names are missing from the list of people responding to COVID-19:
  • Jeff Bezos
  • Sergey Brin
  • Larry Page
  • Mark Zuckerberg
  • Larry Ellison

Now I'll be among the first to apologize if I somehow missed their largesse, and perhaps I did because their PR staff happened to fail them on this issue.

But really, have the ultra rich lifted a proverbial finger to help us?

Notice I left out Bill Gates, since he apparently DID do something - he gave us a warning of sorts. But where is he now that we all need some toilet paper and much better leadership?

USA Turning Into Japan, Among Other Things

Here is an essay while spells out what is now going on in the USA:


And here is a podcast about what you might call "the end of the age":


For those of you who seek guidance from the Bible, what Jesus said about these times appears to apply:


For those of you who don't believe the Bible, I don't know what else to tell you. What will be will be, and if you are not prepared (fiscally, mentally, physically, and spiritually) the coming days will be quite bleak.

One thing's for certain - the powers that be know there are too many of us. Do you really expect them to help We the People?

Quote For The Day - 3/22/2020

"And it was in the midst of shouts rolling against the terrace wall in massive waves that waxed in volume and duration, while cataracts of colored fire fell thicker through the darkness, that Dr. Rieux resolved to compile this chronicle, so that he should not be one of those who hold their peace but should bear witness in favor of those plague-stricken people; so that some memorial of the injustice and outrage done them might endure; and to state quite simply what we learn in times of pestilence: that there are more things to admire in men than to despise."
Albert Camus, The Plague

I have never read anything by Camus. Maybe I'll now have time if I'm forced into quarantine.

Should you decide to do the same, here is a link to an English translation of The Plague (there are several available from various sources):

Proof We're Destroying The World

Here is a report stating that animals are moving back into quarantined cities:


Most creatures do just fine when humans leave them alone. Maybe the virus is just nature's way of culling the destructive human herd.

Quote For The Day - 3/21/2020

Regarding the response to COVID-19:

"I regard the current course of English speaking democracies (other than New Zealand) as mass murder by the political elite. I think history will regard it that way too."

Source - http://brontecapital.blogspot.com/2020/03/coronavirus-getting-angry.html

In case you do not agree, here is confirmation from Italy:


The situation may get better, or it could get really ugly. Feel-good stories like the ones I heard on NPR this morning are just another form of disinformation. We need to take this seriously YESTERDAY !!!

Friday, March 20, 2020

Some Amazing Maps

Here is a series of maps showing some AMAZING comparisons:


Some are hard to believe.

What We're Doing Wrong

Here is a report which contrasts the Israeli COVID-19 response to that of the US:


Note well that countries which REALLY close their borders now have a lower infection rate, while those that don't have a higher infection rate and many deaths. At least that's my read of the situation.

The US screwed up, and We the People are going to pay the price.

Update 3/21/2020

And here is what we SHOULD be doing:

The right policy is to try to eliminate as many cases as possible and to strictly control and test to keep cases to a bare minimum for maybe 18 months while a vaccine is produced.

The alternative is literally millions of people dying completely unnecessarily.

What is required is a very sharp lockdown to get Ro well below one – and put the virus into exponential decay.

When the numbers are low enough – say six weeks – you let the quarantine off – but with Asian style monitoring. Everyone has their temperature measured regularly. Quarantine is rigid and enforced. You hand your phone over if you are infected and your travel routes and your contacts are bureaucratically reconstructed (as is done in Singapore). And we get through.

Source - http://brontecapital.blogspot.com/2020/03/coronavirus-getting-angry.html

Some Good News

Finally - someone has published good news about COVID-19:


Get some fresh air and sunshine. They're good for you and help to cheer you up, too.

Apocalypse, Anyone ???

As if a global disease pandemic weren't enough, we're also being treated to other disasters:

(1) Famine-threatening locust swarms:


(2) Asteroids which may cause "atmosphere explosions":


Some have asked whether G-d is unhappy with us:


If I had to guess, I would say the answer to that question is "yes". We really haven't been too nice to each other or to our planet recently.

And just to show how screwed up the US is, a major defence (sic) company is rattling our nuclear sabers at Russia again (or still):


Will the clowns in the US government and their corporate puppet masters PLEASE get their act together and at least pretend that global domination isn't their only concern? If they cannot, this could escalate really fast.

DO NOT threaten Russia with a first strike, you morons.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Yes, The Sky IS Falling

Here is a doctor's plea, and I think it's worth your while to read it:



Bring Back The Electoral College

I always thought the purpose of the so-called US "Electoral College" was to choose the BEST person available to fill the office of the Presidency.

What we have today is a system in which political parties choose the candidates instead, following rules of their own choosing and leaving We the People and our "electors" little choice as to who will get the job.

Does that make sense to you? Is that what you want?

In the system envisioned by America's Founders, we could get someone like Ohio Governor Mike DeWine as our next President ... or another capable person with demonstrated skills and experience fighting COVID-19.

THAT is the kind of leader we need now; not Trump, not Biden, not Sanders, not Clinton.

But you know what? That ain't gonna happen. We're going to get a game show host, a doddering old fool, or a megalomaniac.

Are you happy now?