Friday, March 20, 2020

Apocalypse, Anyone ???

As if a global disease pandemic weren't enough, we're also being treated to other disasters:

(1) Famine-threatening locust swarms:

(2) Asteroids which may cause "atmosphere explosions":

Some have asked whether G-d is unhappy with us:

If I had to guess, I would say the answer to that question is "yes". We really haven't been too nice to each other or to our planet recently.

And just to show how screwed up the US is, a major defence (sic) company is rattling our nuclear sabers at Russia again (or still):

Will the clowns in the US government and their corporate puppet masters PLEASE get their act together and at least pretend that global domination isn't their only concern? If they cannot, this could escalate really fast.

DO NOT threaten Russia with a first strike, you morons.

1 comment:

  1. Here is more about the locust swarms:
