Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Red Over Red

A vessel displaying two red lights in a vertical line is not under command. In nautical parlance, "red over red means the captain is dead".

There is no better description of the current US government.

In spite of clear warnings about the looming pandemic, our government did nothing.

In spite of having the power to command corporations to produce desperately needed medical supplies, our government is doing nothing:

In spite of the realization millions of Americans now are out of work and have no money, our government would rather rescue corrupt CEOs and their rotting corporations than We the People. The coronavirus 'stimulus' is mainly a handout to literally worthless corporations at the expense of everyone else:

And now the President wants to put everyone back to work by Easter, a move which could pour gasoline on an already growing conflagration. Before he does such a thing, he should read this:

 ... and this:

The WHO projects the US to become the new center of the pandemic, and by the time that happens we will have alienated just about everyone in the world who could possibly help us. How dumb is that?

In the aftermath of the coming catastrophe, I hope the survivors learn at least two things:

1. Our foreign policy has been a disaster. We must stop antagonizing China and stop helping Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey destroy the Middle East.

2. Our economy has been and is a disaster. WE MUST NOT BAIL OUT the rich bastards (i.e., corporate CEOs) who have wrecked this nation. PUT THEM IN JAIL INSTEAD.

Please get some REAL leadership into the White House. And that does not include ANYONE who is currently running or considering running for President. They all are either morons or megalomaniacs.


  1. The great gamble - will it pay off or be a disaster?

    In my view, we should only do this AFTER widescale testing, and ONLY people who test negative should be allowed to go back to work. However, it appears no such thing will be done. Everyone seems to want to hide the scope of the problem by doing as little testing as possible. That is a foolish strategy.

  2. Bill Gates says no to Trump's plan:

    If we're to have a public private partnership, all parties need to sit down at the same table and hash things out. This online bickering is getting us nowhere.

  3. Maybe the governor of Rhode Island should be put in charge:

    By the way, I have nowhere to flee to. If I did, I might go there. So I'm not saying I'm holier than thou, but I am saying that those of us who refuse stay at home orders are now becoming a big part of the problem. Our "you can't tell me what to do" attitude is going to cost a LOT of lives in the US and elsewhere.
