Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Closing Gun Stores

According to this report, there is a stealth campaign underway to close gun stores in the USA, thereby circumventing the Second Amendment:


My son-in-law works for a nationally recognized sporting goods store which used to sell firearms. On the day Ohio announced its "stay at home" policy, his managers directed that ALL firearms be put back into their factory supplied shipping containers and locked into storage vaults. The store also soon closed to the public and no longer can sell ammunition, either.

So yes, for whatever reason, guns are being taken out of circulation.

Perhaps this pandemic was accidental; we'll never know for certain. But one thing we CAN be certain of, the powers that be are and will continue to be using it as a pretext to craft a new 'way of life' and supporting government structures which support THEIR needs, not ours. EVERY tool which America's Founders left us to help safeguard our freedoms has been subverted.

Damn, are we screwed or what?

1 comment:

  1. Here is additional discussion of the issue:

