Friday, March 20, 2020

What We're Doing Wrong

Here is a report which contrasts the Israeli COVID-19 response to that of the US:

Note well that countries which REALLY close their borders now have a lower infection rate, while those that don't have a higher infection rate and many deaths. At least that's my read of the situation.

The US screwed up, and We the People are going to pay the price.

Update 3/21/2020

And here is what we SHOULD be doing:

The right policy is to try to eliminate as many cases as possible and to strictly control and test to keep cases to a bare minimum for maybe 18 months while a vaccine is produced.

The alternative is literally millions of people dying completely unnecessarily.

What is required is a very sharp lockdown to get Ro well below one – and put the virus into exponential decay.

When the numbers are low enough – say six weeks – you let the quarantine off – but with Asian style monitoring. Everyone has their temperature measured regularly. Quarantine is rigid and enforced. You hand your phone over if you are infected and your travel routes and your contacts are bureaucratically reconstructed (as is done in Singapore). And we get through.

Source -

1 comment:

  1. And things like THIS are just plain WRONG. The time to act is YESTERDAY, not "later":
