Sunday, March 8, 2020

COVID-19: Yes, We Can

Yes, we can all get the virus. No, the government isn't doing anything to stop it from spreading:

We're now at the point of community spreading. We'll probably never know the source of each infection, if any.

I agree that panicking won't do us any good. But some foresight and quick action might have made a difference.

Stock up in the next few days. After that, it's all just a crap shoot.

Are you happy now?

By the way, you may have heard about all the "surveillance" technology being erected everywhere around us. Why isn't it being used to track and fight the disease? Will it EVER be used to actually help We the People?


  1. Here is further discussion of the issue:

    If people are going to be THIS careless, what's the point of even trying? Everyone involved in this fiasco needs to be fired.

  2. And here are some daunting numbers:

    "... government planning assumptions based on past flu pandemics suggest a surge in demand for intensive care that could range somewhere between 200,000 thousand and 2.9 million patients.

    "The American Hospital Association says the total number of Intensive Care Unit beds is about 65,000."

    Source -

    In other words, we are NOT prepared. Not even by a long shot.

  3. Apparently the Israelis recognize that surveillance can have good outcomes:
