Tuesday, March 10, 2020


Here is an update on how things are going in Italy:


I hope you realize that we in the US face the same kind of medical system breakdown which is happening in Italy. And I also hope you realize "our" government is no more prepared than they were; and perhaps even is less prepared.

For another perspective on our possible future, take a gander at this when you have time:


Don't take this lightly. COVID-19 is going to hit us so hard it literally will make our heads spin.

I predict the fallout from this pandemic will drive Trump from office, if he hasn't already succumbed to the virus before the election. Instead of focusing on getting rid of Trump, we now ought to be devoting significant resources of time, effort, and material toward slowing the spread of this virus and driving R0 down to less than one.

At this point in time, anything else is a potentially fatal misuse of our precious time.


  1. By the way, I believe this type of reporting by CNN and others is counterproductive:


    The way it reads to me is "we couldn't do anything, we're not really doing anything, and we're not GOING to do anything". How does that help? DO NOT MINIMIZE the potential severity of this pandemic. Only swift and forceful action will make a difference, and I don't see CNN or anyone else in the US helping such a thing take place.

  2. Here is additional evidence that Trump is trying to save his own hide instead of doing what is right for the US and the world:


    This man no longer deserves our support.
