Sunday, February 24, 2019

Radioactive Waste In Golan ???

According to the UNHRC, it's there. According to Israel, it's not:

I tend to agree with the UN. In fact, radioactive waste can be found all over the world, including in many US landfills and tailings piles.

And not only did the US spray radioactive DU munitions all over Iraq, Dr. Chris Busby discovered what appeared to be debris from "enhanced" DU weaponry in Fallujah:

It is EASY to believe the US and Israel have been using radioactive weapons, including the intentional dumping of radioactive waste on the land of their enemies. When you believe you are G-d's chosen people and the rest of humanity are nothing but animals, you're likely to do just about anything.

And by the way, "independent" confirmation or refutation of any such claims is nearly impossible. The national labs are staffed with highly paid liars, and no one else wants to touch the subject with a 10 foot pole.

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