Thursday, February 7, 2019

Confusing Sanctions

According to this report, the US should sanction the Venezuelan military for obstructing aid convoys, some of which are carrying weapons for the seditionists:

But according to this report, the US Senate doesn't want you to BDS Israel, even though their military obstructs aid to the Palestinians AND murders US citizens in the process:

"Our" government seems more concerned about stealing sovereign wealth and giving much of it to Israel than it is about the welfare (or even the lives) of We the People. It is BROKEN, and Nancy Pelosi and AO-C are NOT going to fix it.

If you disagree, please show me your proof. I really would like to see it.

1 comment:

  1. The complete BS coming from this person confirms my claims - she is NOT going to fix what ails us:

    If you want to curtail air travel, start with the rich.
