Thursday, January 4, 2018

Why Social Media Is Like The Atomic Bomb

Something occurred to me while listening to these former Facebook executives:

They KNEW that what they were doing would destroy the fabric of our society ... but they did it anyway. And now they are rich. They "feel bad", but how many of them are giving their money back?

This is IDENTICAL to the situation of the first atomic scientists. They KNEW that what they were doing would change the world in detrimental ways ... but they did it anyway.

And once the genie is out of the bottle, it never can be put back in.

By the way, the same soon will apply to the AI crowd. They KNOW that what they are doing is going to destroy humanity ... but they're going to do it anyway. For a while they will be rich, and some of them may even "feel bad" about what they did. But what good will it do when the robots start killing us?

Don't admire these people. They represent THE WORST of humanity, NOT the best.

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