Monday, January 29, 2018

Why Is US Still In Syria ???

Seldom has an important new US foreign policy crashed in flames so quickly and so spectacularly, achieving the very opposite results to those intended.

It was only ten days ago that the US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson unexpectedly announced that American military forces would remain in Syria after the defeat of Isis. Their agenda was nothing if not ambitious: it included the stabilisation of the country, getting rid of Bashar al-Assad, rolling back Iranian influence, preventing the resurgence of Isis and bringing an end to the seven-year Syrian war. Tillerson did not seem to care that this new departure was sure to offend a lot of powerful players in and around Syria and was quite contrary to past US pledges that it was only fighting in Syria to defeat Isis and had no other aims.

In effect, the US was reversing its old policy of trying to keep its distance from the Syrian quagmire and was blithely plunging into one of the messiest civil wars in history.

You can read the rest @

Seldom has the underlying issue been a "civil war". Like almost every other US intervention, we are there to overthrow the existing government.

The difference this time is delusional thinking about the End Times. That's why Trump wants to move our embassy to Jerusalem, and why we'll stay in Syria until the Battle of Armageddon.

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