Monday, January 22, 2018

What Is The Source Of US Chaos ???

Lately, there have been many descriptions of the chaos now disrupting the US political, economic, and governing systems. Here is one of them:

This situation has led me to understand something for the first time; that is, how can an incoming president even hope to control the behemoth known as the US government?

Here's how - either the "deep state" (the unelected powers that be) supports the incoming president; or it doesn't.

If it supports him, he succeeds (e.g., Obama ad-Dajjal).

If it does not support him, he fails (e.g., Donald Trump).

It's got nothing to do with whether or not the president is a "stable genius", and everything to do with whether or not he or she is willing to do what the powers that be want done.

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