Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Anti-Trump Coup

Sooner or later, the chickens had to come home to roost:

Washington has organized a systematic, global, no holds barred campaign to oust Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump from the electoral process. The virulent anti-Trump animus, the methods, goals and mass media resemble authoritarian regimes preparing to overthrow political adversaries.

Comparable propaganda efforts led to political coups in Chile in 1973, Brazil 1964, and Venezuela in 2002. The anti-Trump forces include both political parties, a Supreme Court judge, Wall Street bankers, journalists and editorialist of all the major media outlets and the leading military and intelligence spokespeople.

Washington’s forcible and illegal ouster of Trump is part and parcel of a world-wide campaign to overthrow leaders and regimes which raise questions about aspects of the imperial policies of the US and EU.

You can read the rest @

You didn't give a damn when the US overthrew foreign governments, and I would be very surprised if anyone cares that the same methods now are being used domestically. The US public is brain-dead to such things.

But we're pretty good at video games and TV trivia.

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