Saturday, January 17, 2015

We Have Been Captured

Here is a timely essay from the First Rebuttal blog:

We are parented not represented. We are enslaved with encroaching laws that are demeaning to rational self sufficient adults. And by a legislative body that feeds from our bosom, fights with our fists and has buried us in debt to a foreign body who they sold the rights to our currency. How is this in any way a self-governed society? We have been captured by a group of fraudulent citizens who control our money, our military and have desecrated our constitution. It requires that we take back control and punish these traitors appropriately severe so as to deter any future attempts. This is our obligation, our payback and our paying it forward for the gift that we received but failed initially to respect.

That said, how can we accomplish this in a non-violent manner? I'm open to your ideas.

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