Monday, February 4, 2013

Why is the government stockpiling guns and ammo?

Joseph Farah asks the question "Why is the government stockpiling guns, ammo?" in this article:

In the article he states that Obama ad-Dajjal has plans for a "civilian national security force" and gives his theory for the rationale for this action.

Mr. Farah, like most people, apparently has never read Rahm Emanuel's book The Plan. The need for this "civilian national security force" is presented and discussed in the book. You can buy it from Amazon if you wish:

As I have said before, Obama ad-Dajjal imitates Hitler in all things. I suspect that this is so because Mayor Emanuel was and is his advisor.

If you will recall, Hitler came to power and stayed in power because of the Brown Shirts and the Black Shirts, private armies whose members swore allegiance to Der Fuehrer. The "security force" envisioned by Mayor Emanuel would replace the militia authorized by the US Constitution with private armies authorized by and beholden to the President, thus making him even more like Hitler than he is today.

Didn't Jesse Jackson recently call for the Department of Homeland Security to help patrol the streets of Chicago, a rather bizarre request when you consider that the Chicago Police Department is a small army in itself, complete with its own intelligence and spy network? Why can't they handle the violence?

Make no mistake about it, Obama ad-Dajjal and his soul brother Rahm Emanuel intend to make this country a police state, complete with private armies who will act as armed thugs to threaten and brutalize the soon-to-be disarmed population, similar to what the dictatorships of Eastern Europe and Central and South America did.

Hitler published Mein Kampf before he did his dirty work, and Rahm Emanuel published The Plan before he and Obama ad-Dajjal went to work. Funny how these monsters are always open and honest about what they intend to do, but nobody pays any attention to them until after it's too late.

Yes, they are planning to kill or enslave you. Like Patrick Henry said [and I paraphrase his famous speech]:

What means this martial array, if its purpose be not to force us to submission? Can gentlemen assign any other possible motive for it? Has [The United States] any enemy, in this quarter of the world, to call for all this accumulation of [guns and ammunition]? No, sir, she has none. They are meant for us; they can be meant for no other. They are sent over to bind and rivet upon us those chains which the [ruling class] have been so long forging.

Wake up from your slumber, America, or sleep forever in chains.

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