Monday, February 11, 2013

This is murder, not war

Does anyone think the "kill list" is a good idea?

If killing people is your goal, then this method is much less expensive for the killers. But why are we killing them in the first place?

We'll never know for certain, because the reasons are "classified" and not subject to Congressional or judicial review or public disclosure (except for propaganda purposes). Sounds like a "star chamber" to me.

Hail to thee, King Obama ad-Dajjal !!! (Just kidding, of course.)

[By the way, the title quote is from Confederate LTG Robert E. Lee, although these is some confusion whether it refers to the battle of Cold Harbor in 1864 or to some other event he witnessed. It has also been used by Chris Hedges and Noam Chomsky to refer to our so-called "War on Terror".]

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