Tuesday, February 12, 2013

When in Rome

Hail to thee, Emperor Obama ad-Dajjal! Who cares about "the state of the union", as long as you are in charge!

[If like me you do care, read the bad news @

I'll say it again: this man imitates Hitler in all things. The Germans did not mind at all when Hitler killed people, because he was killing people they wanted to be killed. He didn't have to hide his murders; the German people celebrated when they heard about them. Just like what Obama ad-Dajjal is now doing. Don't believe me? There's a complete scholarly analysis of these facts in the 2002 book Backing Hitler: Consent and Coercion in Nazi Germany by Robert Gellately. You can buy it from Amazon if you wish.

Someday we'll all say, "But we didn't know what Obama ad-Dajjal was doing!" And just like the Germans in 1945, we'll all be lying.

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