Friday, February 15, 2013

A medal for "armchair warriors"?

Now there is a medal for our heroic drone pilots:

If we are to believe that Admiral Jeremy Boorda killed himself over a "medal embarrassment", then I expect mass suicides when this new medal is awarded to people who kill without ever leaving the comfort of their video game consoles.

The only hazard to which they are subjected during their "armchair combat" is possibly hearing the singing of Catholic nuns and other protesters outside the gates whom the MPs threaten, gas, and stun while our heroic drone pilots blast Muslim babies and goat herders halfway around the world to kingdom come.

Here's what happens to you if you are a peaceful protester at a drone control base in America:

I guess these words no longer mean anything:

Congress shall make no law ... abridging the ... right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

If you want to pick nits, it's usually local police (not Congress) who abridges these rights, but should it matter what species of pig is involved when the Constitution is shit upon? After all, pig shit is pig shit and it all smells bad.

By the way, the lady speaking near the end of the video is Kathy Kelly. She has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize four times for her opposition to the crimes of Obama ad-Dajjal (and others). He on the other hand actually WON the award for the commission of those crimes.

What a freaking world!

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