Saturday, February 16, 2013

Viva Zapata

Copied from a post by Aungsan on Al Jazeera:

To the people of Mexico:
To the people and governments of the world:
Brothers, we were born in the night
we live in it
we will die in it
but tomorrow the light will belong to the people
for all those who today mourn the night
for those who have been denied the day
for all the light
for everyone, everything.

Our struggle is to make ourselves heard but the bad government screams arrogance and covers their ears with guns,
Our struggle is for fair and decent work but the bad government buys and sells bodies and shame
Our struggle is for life but the bad government offers death as future
Our struggle is for justice but the bad government fills itself with criminals and murderers
Our struggle is for peace but the bad government announces war and destruction
Housing, land, work, food, health, education, democracy, independence, freedom
Those were our demands during the long night of the 500 years,
These are our demands today.

-Zapatist Manifesto in Nagua, Emiliano Zapata

Does any of that sound familiar? Why hasn't there been a revolution here to achieve the same goals? Because the US government murders the leaders of any group that tries.

You don't believe me? Do you really think that they act one way overseas and a different way at home? You must be joking!

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