Saturday, March 12, 2016

Is NK Submarine Really Missing ???

Here's the latest from the last free place on earth - North Korea:

The U.S. military had been observing the submarine operate off North Korea's east coast when the vessel stopped, and U.S. spy satellites, aircraft and ships have been secretly watching for days as the North Korean navy searched for the missing sub.

The U.S. is unsure if the missing vessel is adrift under the sea or whether it has sunk, the officials said, but believes it suffered some type of failure during an exercise.

Tensions have heightened on the Korean peninsula following a fourth North Korean nuclear test and joint U.S.-South Korean military drills.

You can read the rest @

Here's my two cents as a former submariner - this is undoubtedly a diesel sub, and when on the battery she is capable of being noiseless and undetectable.

Loosing contact means only that - contact has been lost. For all we know she could be directly under one of our carriers.

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