Thursday, November 14, 2013

Questions about the Zapruder film

Within hours of the [JFK] assassination, Zapruder had given copies of his movie to two men, thus setting it off on divergent but intersecting paths. The first was Secret Service agent Forrest Sorrels, who requested it for official investigatory use. The second man was Richard Stolley, an editor at Life magazine, who won the media bidding war for the movie. Zapruder sold it to Life for $150,000, with the promise that they never publish frame 313: the fatal shot itself.

[borrowed from]

Q1: How did Zapruder get his film processed AND copied "within hours of the assassination"? Was he a magician?

Q2: And how did he know that frame 313 showed the fatal shot itself? Was he a photo analyst and a forensic pathologist?

One of the men who appears to have seen one of the first generation copies (or perhaps second generation, no one knows for sure) and who studied it in some detail (Homer McMahon) says he remembers seeing "about 8 shots, [from] 3 different directions, at least".

By the way, here's frame 313 of something advertised as the Zapruder film. Perhaps Zapruder's request was honored, and this is NOT the original frame 313:

1 comment:

  1. You can find additional information about the film examined by Homer McMahon here, and it casts doubt on his interpretation:
