Thursday, August 15, 2013

Obama ad-Dajjal golfs while Egypt burns

Our worthless "President" has little time for anything other than endless, lavish vacations; golfing while the Republic crumbles and Egypt burns:

As I have said before, Obama ad-Dajjal is the False Prophet, for both Christians and Muslims:

This man has no ideas worth implementing and absolutely NO compassion for anyone other than his immediate family and his minions. Is THIS how we want America to be seen in the rest of the world?

And what's next? After he and his Israeli puppet masters destroy all the nation-states in the Middle East, they will tear down the Dome of the Rock to rebuild the Jewish Temple. That is certain to lead to further bloodshed around the world.

Get it through your head. That is their plan: destruction followed by rule from Jerusalem with a rod of iron.

You need to ask yourself several questions:

  • Is this from God, from Satan, or from man?
  • Is this God punishing Egypt, or is it man?
  • Is Jerusalem to be ruled by Jesus Christ, the Jewish Moshiach, or the Mahdi?

Once you are certain of the answers, act accordingly.

Save yourself; it may be impossible to save anyone else.

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