Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Money knows no party, no country

Obama ad-Dajjal is vacationing in a $7.5 million home, and now the Clintons will stay in a $11 million dollar mansion. Do they pay taxes on these "gifts"?


After selling their souls to the highest bidder (a.k.a. Satan), these ruling class wannabees sold us out, too. If you believe otherwise, show me your proof.

Karl Marx said that religion was the opium of the people. In the US, politics serves the same purpose. Money knows no party, no country. These whores don't represent you or me, and they never will. They will pander to your basest instincts to make you THINK they love you, but it is money and power they lust after, first and foremost: your money, and power over you.

And don't you forget it in 2016.

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