Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Military Uses Of 5G

According to this report, 5G technology is necessary to ensure the effectiveness of modern military weapons:

So, not only are we paying for corporations and the government to spy on us, now we're also paying to help the US military achieve "full spectrum dominance"? Just great.

There's another aspect of 5G and 6G worth mentioning. It soon will be possible to connect everyone DIRECTLY to the Internet:

Not only does this possibility eerily evoke images of "the Matrix", it also enables the re-creation of this Biblical event:

Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language.
Acts 2:6 KJV

I think you'll agree with me that the Internet is a creation of Satan, not of G-d. Once Satan gains the ability to duplicate the Pentecost in his own perverse manner, his seductive message will go out to all humanity, and who will be able to resist it? Not many; perhaps none. Those who do will be put to death.

This may be the real motive behind the battle for who will control 5G. It's not only a battle for the world ... it's a war to possess our very souls.

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