Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Sterling Brouhaha: Why Now ???

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has raised some interesting points about the current uproar over Donald Sterling's alleged racist comments, including the following:

What bothers me about this whole Donald Sterling affair isn’t just his racism. I’m bothered that everyone acts as if it’s a huge surprise. Now there’s all this dramatic and very public rending of clothing about whether they should keep their expensive Clippers season tickets. Really? All this other stuff I listed above has been going on for years and this ridiculous conversation with his girlfriend is what puts you over the edge? That’s the smoking gun?


Let's put that another way: why now? And why him, and not all the other racists in America?

A possible answer may be found by asking another question: what else is going on that the MSM is NOT reporting about?

Answer: Obama ad-Dajjal's outright LIES about what has been going on in Ukraine and his dangerous escalation of the situation.

Consider two other examples of this sort of red herring:
  • In the year leading up to 9/11, America was absolutely fixated on the shenanigans of Rep. Gary Condit and his connection to a missing intern named Chandra Levy, who was later discovered to have been murdered by a third party. Rep. Condit was one of the key personnel in Congress who was responsible for oversight of our human intelligence efforts. The adverse publicity he received from the Chandra Levy red herring prevented him from doing his job and may have prevented his subcommittee from discovering the 9/11 plot before the attacks took place.
  • Following the Benghazi incident, Obama ad-Dajjal and his minions flooded the MSM with a pack of lies about a controversial video which allegedly was responsible for the attack. The lies and distortions put forth by the White House staff so muddied the waters about Benghazi that even to this day we do not have a clear picture of what happened.

We're facing a similar red herring today. Donald Sterling apparently stuck his foot in his mouth and now the sky is falling. Perhaps it should. But while we are collectively focused on that, extremely important events in Europe are NOT receiving the attention they should:
  • Too few people are asking WHY Obama ad-Dajjal and his minions apparently supported a coup in Ukraine and are now lying about it.
  • Too few people are wondering why the Director of the CIA apparently encouraged Ukraine to up the ante with the Russians and what it was he promised them.
  • Too few people are demanding to know why the US has the money to support Ukraine but not enough money to help starving American families.
  • And no one is demanding to know why Obama ad-Dajjal has been marching us toward war with Russia at a time when the United States needs PEACE and NOT more war.

Yes, Donald Sterling will reap what he has sown ... but let's not let the fierce urgency of now keep us from focusing on things which might have a much greater impact on the very survival of this nation.

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