Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Green Winter

Here is an exhaustive report about energy and the impacts of the Green Raw Deal:


This morning I heard a religious talk show host suggest the rise of the cost of energy in the US was NOT intentional. I don't know why anyone would think that, considering the nonsensical claims coming from the White House and the dire warnings coming from energy experts.

We all have been persuaded that a nuclear war would lead to "nuclear winter" and the death of much of the life on our planet. As an environmental scientist and engineer (although not a distinguished one in either field), I'm convinced that if we allow TPTB to sabotage our energy systems in the manner they seem intent on doing, we will experience a "green winter" just as deadly and destructive. Nearly everything we make and do depends on coal and petroleum. Take them away and we'll starve in the dark and cold.

And that seems to be exactly the outcome TPTB desire.

Update - 6/15/2022

And here is Biden's "climate advisor" blaming everyone and everything except reality:


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