Saturday, May 14, 2022

Let's Do The Math

Here is wisdom from (of all people) Kim Dotcom:

The reality is that the US has been bankrupt for some time and what’s coming is a nightmare: Mass poverty and a new system of control.

Let me explain why this isn’t just doom and gloom talk. 

Total US debt is at $90 trillion. US unfunded liabilities are at $169 trillion. Combined that’s $778,000 per US citizen or $2,067,000 per US tax payer.

Remember, the only way the Government can operate now is by printing more money. Which means hyperinflation is inevitable. The total value of ALL companies listed on the US stock market is $53 trillion.

The real value is much lower because the US has been printing trillions to provide interest free loans to investment banks to pump up the stock market. It’s a scam.

Most of the $53 trillion is air.

You can and should read the rest @

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