Tuesday, September 14, 2021

The Truth About Renewables

Here is an informative 18+ minute video about some false assumptions contained in claims about renewable energy:


I hope they are correct, but they appear to be ignoring some unstated (?) core principles of The Great Reset - prices will be FORCED to go higher and consumption will be FORCED to go lower. And if that does not work, the human herd will be FORCEFULLY culled. One of the possible prerequisites for that to happen is already being implemented (universal "vaccination").

There is no "free market" when no one has freedom of thought, freedom of choice, or freedom of movement.

By the way, this sort of report about natural gas also is misleading:


Carbon capture DOES work, so I'm not certain why the report disses it.

The chief problem I have with additional fracking in the US is that it apparently will produce energy for EXPORT. Why the hell aren't we going to use that gas here to reduce our reliance on coal? Let the EU buy Russian gas. They've got more of it than us anyway, and our ongoing war with China-Russia-Iran-etc. is truly a waste of our time and money.

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