Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Is COVID A Financial Coup ???

Here is a very informative interview with Catherine Austin Fitts:


I agree with her 100%.

TPTB definitely are NOT going to meet the obligations of the US social safety net, and they'd certainly like to make it look like an accident instead of the default that it is. What better way to accomplish that than to reduce the population via a "novel" virus and a "vaccine" accident?

These folks are diabolical. They've managed to get all the major institutions (and most of the minor ones) to work with them. How did they manage that?

What will it take to stop them?

Update - 9/23/2021

Let’s be clear here – The global economy ran off a cliff in 2007, and nothing was done to fix the problem. The current money printing spree is not about supporting the real economy. It is not about jobs, education or healthcare. It is not about creating the type of massive public works programs that lifted the US out of the great depression. This money is not meant to be used for spending and investment at all. This is about injecting liquidity into short term markets to cover financial speculation. This is what Marx called fictitious capital - "money that is thrown into circulation as capital without any material basis in commodities or productive activity".

If you’re not registering the level of criminal insanity at play here, you’re not seeing the picture in its entirety. We are past the point where this kind of money printing can happen without leading to too much money chasing too few goods, causing hyperinflation, as seen in Zimbabwe or the Wiemar Republic. So instead the real economy has been put into an induced coma. This is not just about bailing out the shadow financial market. It’s about preventing any spillover into the brick and mortar economy. It’s about quarantining the real economy from the effects of the bailout to avoid it overheating. For this chicanery to work, a scapegoat was needed. Enter the pandemic.

Source - https://seanstinson.substack.com/p/the-year-the-world-ended

(h/t Kim Hill)

Is this finally starting to make sense? Our lives are being destroyed so the ultra rich can prosper. "Joe Biden", Pelosi, Fauci, etc. are just their willing tools and lapdogs.

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