Friday, September 17, 2021

Mass Delusion, Or Intentional Propaganda ???

Here in a good summary of what is wrong with this "plandemic". It's framed in the perspective of what happened in Sweden, but it has lessons for all of us:

The media’s depiction of Sweden’s results is an excellent illustration of their desire not to inform, but to coerce. They’re not functioning as simply messengers of information but activists, thoroughly consumed by a desire to force others to conform to their opinions.

They refuse to present information that counters the endless dictatorial mandates, instead promoting unquestioning compliance. Listen to us, do what you’re told and wear a mask, or it’s your fault if you get COVID and die. Listen to us and do what you’re told, or you’ll be labeled an “anti” and shunned from the acceptable society that “journalism” polices.


Sweden went against the herd, thus they must be scorned and labeled by the arbiters of acceptable opinion.

There will never be a reckoning or acceptance of fault on the part of the media, because they are incapable of correcting their preconceptions and admitting that The Science™ was wrong. They placed their unquestioning faith in experts having a level of competence that they simply do not possess. And if there were any sanity or justice in the world, they would be held to account for their inaccuracy and the influence it’s had on COVID policy.

But of course, as we all know, sanity and the Age of Reason and Enlightenment ended with “15 Days to Slow the Spread,” 549 days ago.

Source -

I know you're all tired of hearing this by now, but that's something our brutal overlords are counting on. Don't give up the fight while there's still a chance some of us can escape this nonsense. Which outcome would you prefer - that of fully vaxxed Israel or lockdown free Sweden? It shouldn't take "experts" to figure this out:

By the way, the culpability of the so-called "experts" has been vastly under-reported. I have a close relative who is an expert in COVID issues. It became clear during discussions with them that experts don't want anyone questioning their diktats. That's why they want to be experts. Sadly, they also may never be held accountable for their role in this mess.

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