Sunday, September 12, 2021

The Right Way To Stop Biden and Fauci

I do not believe that those who object to Biden and Fauci's vaccine mandate will succeed. Why? Because merely whining about "freedom" or about "who has the power to do what" will not prevail in court.

Here are some of the claims which should form the basis of their lawsuits:

  • The jabs don't prevent you from getting the virus, and they don't prevent you from spreading it, either.
  • The jabs are deadly and have a number of dangerous side effects.
  • People with natural immunity should NOT be forced to get the jabs.
  • There are effective alternative treatment protocols.
  • Many who recommend the jabs have massive conflicts of interest, and some appear to be lying about their role in the creation of the virus.
  • The official data on the impact of the jabs appears to be skewed and/or fraudulent.

Unfortunately, the majority of people in the medical and scientific communities either don't believe any of the above claims or don't care about them. In my view, they are poorly equipped to render an honest opinion about what the rest of us should be doing.

Some are saying that judges and juries don't have the right to overrule decisions made by doctors. If that's the case, they why do our courts routinely adjudicate medical malpractice and wrongful death lawsuits? Medical doctors are licensed by the states, and in spite of the expertise of medical professionals, We the People are the ultimate arbiters of right and wrong in all matters. WE should decide what to do when there are alternatives, not them. And in spite of their claims to the contrary, there are alternatives.

What do you think?

Update - 9/15/2021

This essay suggests I might have been wrong:

I'd be happy if that were the case.

By the way, considering the possibility this pandemic was scripted in advance, could this be the real reason they tried to keep Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court? I know it's a long shot but still worthy of consideration, since we really don't know all that went into the simulations done to prepare for the pandemic.

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