Saturday, May 29, 2021

Defending Our Nation ???

VP Harris just addressed the graduating class at the US Naval Academy:

She should have talked to me beforehand:

1. The navy cannot stop a pandemic, especially because the US government allows disease carriers to enter and roam our country freely. The navy will NEVER be allowed to deal with that, even if they could.

2. The navy cannot stop climate change, especially because most naval vessels and aircraft burn fossil fuels. Will they now be required to row their boats and use only sailplanes?

3. The navy cannot stop cyber crime, especially because the idiotic DARPA invention called the Internet is IMPOSSIBLE to secure. To think otherwise is delusional.

So, her speech was great on hoorah stuff, but appeared aimed at the wrong audience. I doubt midshipmen are that naive.

If she doesn't know that, why is she VP and maybe someday President?

Pitiful !!!

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