Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Hidden Truths About COVID-19

Here are what appear to be two hidden truths about the pandemic:

(1) The best option is to eliminate the virus. You can read about it here:

(2) The widespread, proper use of HCQ could save many lives:

Now here's the big question:

Q - If the crazies at the World Economic Forum believe they have the power to RESET the world's entire economic, financial, and social structure, then why didn't they have the power to close all borders, isolate the sick, and eliminate the virus?

A - Because they prefer to use this virus as a tool to achieve THEIR goal, which appears to be the imposition of a tyrannical technocratic restructuring of all human existence.

And note well who benefits - corporations like these:
  • Amazon - which is becoming the world's supermarket
  • Apple and Microsoft - which are becoming the world's business communication forum
  • Facebook - which wants to become the world's advertising platform
  • Google - which is becoming the world's surveillance system
  • And all those who are pushing universal vaccination, and digital ID/payment systems

I'm not accusing anyone of anything in particular, other than taking advantage of a man-made catastrophe to seize power and suck the wealth of the world into their collective coffers. Is that the kind of world we want to live in?

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