And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. (Acts 2:17)
"Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power."
Benito Mussolini
If that statement is correct (and Mussolini was an expert on the subject), then we ought to consider the fascist nature of the US state-corporate alliance. Here is one potential example of that alliance: On July 24, 2020, Tesla’s Elon Musk wrote on Twitter that a second US "government stimulus package is not in the best interests of the people." Someone responded to Musk soon after, "You know what wasn’t in the best interest of people? The US government organizing a coup against Evo Morales in Bolivia so you could obtain the lithium there." Musk then wrote: "We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it." Musk refers here to the coup against President Evo Morales Ayma, who was removed illegally from his office in November 2019. Morales had just won an election for a term that was to have begun in January 2020. Even if there was a challenge against that election, Morales’ term should rightfully have continued through November and December of 2019. Instead, the Bolivian military, at the behest of Bolivia’s far right and the United States government, threatened Morales; Morales went into exile in Mexico and is now in Argentina. Source - And it appears TESLA is not the only potentially fascist partner of the US government. Consider the fact that CEOs of Big Tech more or less told their government interrogators to go to hell yesterday; in no way should they be considered "monopolies". Would that have happened 100 years ago? 50 years ago? The day before, the US Attorney General was the target of the ire which should have been aimed at Big Tech. What was his crime? Apparently a desire to investigate and prosecute crimes committed by the President's political opponents and members of the Obama administration. When politicians kowtow to, support, and enable the financial shenanigans of huge corporations, we would be foolish NOT to call that "fascism" ... because if it isn't, it soon will be. Allegedly, Joe Biden plans to tax Amazon-Apple-Facebook-Google-Microsoft-etc. Does anyone think such a thing could actually happen, or if it did that the corporations wouldn't just pass that cost of doing business on to their customers? Big corporations and banks have captured the US government and are even taking over most of its primary functions. We will soon be ruled by an all-encompassing technocracy. That too is something we'll have to deal with. And what, you may ask, is the problem with that? It's this - they tell We the People what we can and cannot do, not the other way around. If you don't have a problem with that, then you don't understand what America is supposed to be. Update 8/2/2020 Now Elon thinks we're dumb, lazy, and paid too much: I believe he's the kind of monster who destroyed our economy while enriching himself in the process. Is his the kind of "innovation" we really need?
This is the kind of sabotage the US has performed for decades on numerous sovereign nations around the world; and
Our messing with China reminds me of something Admiral Yamamoto allegedly said after the 1941 Japanese raid on Pearl Harbor -
"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve." What goes around comes around, and we're making enemies of the people who may soon rule the world.
There have been several doctors who claim success with HCQ-based treatments. NO ONE has truthfully investigated their claims. Instead they merely go after them with ad hominem attacks.
She is a licensed medical doctor. If she's not harming her patients, her unusual religious beliefs should be irrelevant.
I worked in Houston for a number of years with several Nigerian co-workers. I found them all to be true Christians who actually believed what the Bible says. In no case did their religious beliefs prevent them from doing their jobs effectively. It's a sad state of affairs when an entire nation (i.e., the USA) seems to be rejecting G-d at the very time we most need His help. And about that "alien DNA" - isn't that what Dr. Judy Mikovits tried to warn us about and the reason she was attacked by Dr. Fauci and his ilk? Something strange is definitely going on here, and if the only people willing to talk about it are Dr. Immanuel and Dr. Mikovits I suggest we pay attention to their stories. Or do you believe everything Big Med and Big Pharma tell you?
Here is a review of a very timely book: A new book, Irreversible Damage, reveals how teenage girls are being duped into believing they want to be male, and are pushed into taking puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and undergoing double mastectomies. Whether it is a statement or a question, the title of this book conveys the necessary urgency of this desperately sad story. Amid the trans debate, seemingly a battle between grown adults, vulnerable children are prey to a malevolent ideology that survivors call a cult. In a superb piece of investigative journalism, Abigail Shrier focusses on teenage girls – most with no history of gender dysphoria – who become captivated by the belief that they are transgender. Behind the glittery exterior portrayed in the media, she encounters damaged children – many alienated from their families – in poor mental health and facing the prospect of infertility and medication for life. You can read the rest @ I have no doubt that gender dysphoria is real. But like Debbie Hayton I think it's reasonable to ask whether allowing youngsters to make such life-altering decisions is a good idea or a form of child abuse. It's also reasonable to ask whether one of the chief instigators of gender dysphoria is Hollywood, which fills the minds of our children with unbelievable filth and depravity. Here is the testimony of one person who is familiar with what has been going on: As Michael Snyder laments, we're in the process of completely losing America: A major factor in that process of loss is what we're doing to our children, or should I say what depraved, evil people are doing to our children. And our schools and the cesspool of the Internet play a huge role in what is happening.
Here is an opinion piece by Chris Hedges. In my view it's more fact than opinion: This social hell fuels the street protests around the country as much as the outrage over indiscriminate murders by police — an average of three a day — and police violence. It is a hell visited on nearly all of those trapped in what Malcom X called our “internal colonies.” This hell was constructed by corporate billionaires and their lackeys in the two major political parties who betrayed the working class and working poor to strip communities of jobs and social services, rewrite laws and tax codes to amass staggering fortunes and consolidate their political and economic power at the expense of the citizenry. While they were fleecing the country, these billionaires, along with the politicians they bought and owned, including Joe Biden, methodically built brutal mechanisms of social control, expanding the prison population from 200,000 in 1970 to 2.3 million today and transforming police into lethal paramilitary forces of internal occupation. You can read the rest @ The true "white privilege" in America is that enjoyed by the corporate billionaires and their lackeys, but note well they're not the ones being attacked on a daily basis because of it.
Just in case COVID-19 doesn't kill enough of us, the US Air Force appears to have a backup plan: Four Air Force contractors, including Boeing, will have a chance to compete for a new Air Force project that seeks to control and deploy autonomous drones -- putting drones in missions and situations considered too dangerous or strenuous for human pilots. Source - I'm certain a super artificial intelligence can do a much better job than human pilots.
Scientists have revived organisms which lived 100 million years ago. You can read about it here: Not content with just one pandemic, they appear to be trying to release yet ANOTHER novel organism into our biosphere. Didn't these people ever read or watch Jurassic Park?
Here is a report from The New York Times, one of America's most politicized and least credible newspapers: No doubt some of the report is believable. But what bothers me is that the primary actions of the USA in the affected regions include the overthrow of local governments and the militarization of everything and everybody. How is that helping? It's also more than a bit puzzling that one possible "cure" for the migration is the emergence of a novel coronavirus which has the potential to kill off the excess, unwanted population. Coincidence, or was this somehow planned?
Here is an essay by Ritesh Jain: In an interview with Edward Griffith in 1984, former KGB operative Yuri Bezmenov outlined the playbook of the Soviet Union and the staged manner in which a communist apparatus takes over a country. The ideal recruit for the KGB were rich filmmakers, academicians and cynically egocentric people. These people held the most potential what is required to destabilize a country are narcissistic, greedy and morally devoid people. He cites that KGB recruited Professors and civil right defenders to subvert and destabilize the country. He repeats again when these useful idiots serve their purpose they are to be killed or exiled. % % % % % % % % The List of Rules he cites for Revolution are – 1. Corrupt the young, get them interested in sex, take them away from religion. Make them superficial and snobbish in their understanding of the world. 2. Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial issues of less importance to create and compound a divide. 3. Destroy people’s faith in their national leaders by holding the latter up for contempt and ridicule. 4. Always preach democracy, but seize power as fast and as ruthlessly as possible. 5. Encourage government extravagances, destroy its credit system, which will produce years of inflation with rising prices and general discontent. 6. Incite unnecessary strikes in vital industries, encourage civil disorders and foster a lenient and soft attitude on the part of the government towards such disorders. 7. Breakdown the old moral virtues of honesty, sobriety, self-restraint, faith. You can read the rest @ I would say these seven "rules" more or less accurately describe what has been happening in the USA for a few decades. Some might then deduce that "the Russians" are behind it all, exactly as TPTB have been trying to tell us. But don't you believe it. The Russkies are mere patsies in the greater scheme of things. Those who rule the world are behind this, and I don't expect their useful US idiots will be going anywhere any time soon. They've got a lot more unravelling to do.
From Erick Erickson: "Let the market [decide] by letting the actions of a free people control their fate. "The President should withdraw from Portland immediately and let the city burn, if it will, or thrive if it will, but it is the choice of the people there." Source - Ya know what? I more or less agree. If state and local elected officials won't protect their own citizens, I see no reason for the feds (i.e., We the People) to pay for the consequences of that failure. As Abe Lincoln once said, "If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher." What's happening in Portland is more or less what he meant. By the way, I suggest you read the entire essay. Erickson makes a lot of great points.
Here is a claim that bankers fomented the US Civil War: I find this quite easy to believe. I also think bankers (or at least TPTB, which include bankers) were behind ALL of our wars, in the sense they profited handsomely while We the People did all the heavy lifting and paid the bills. And just look around today. Bankgangsters and corporate CEOs are being bailed out while our cities burn. Pretty soon there will be nothing left except debt and a giant rubbish heap.
Here are two articles which demonstrate how the practice of medicine has been compromised and politicized in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The first is long and the second is even longer, but I urge you to at least scan them: (a) (b) I'd like to suggest two takeaways from the articles: (1) Taleb's claim the WHO is "criminally incompetent"; and (2) President Trump was right in his twin beliefs that curtailing mobility and properly using HCQ were the keys to stopping and treating COVID-19 ... but TPTB fought him tooth and nail on both issues. I predict that once they get Trump out of the way, the "resistance" will implement both of these measures since they're the only way to tame the virus. And when they do, perhaps you'll finally realize the extent to which they gambled with our lives just to seize political power for themselves.
[He] walked up to the officers and asked whether they understood their oath to defend the constitution.
"There was basically them walking out and assaulting a protester just to prove that they could."
I have a few issues with these claims and the entire series of events: (1) Here is what the US Constitution actually says (i.e., support, not defend; many people get this wrong): Article VI 3: The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States. (2) The "officers" in question may have been contractors who took no such oath. (3) Without seeing their actual orders, it's difficult to say whether they were illegal and determine whether they were followed. (4) And the phrase "just to prove that they could" is itself unprovable. But that's just nitpicking. Here is my real objection: Did any of these so-called veterans watch the "Collateral Murder" video? Did they object to THOSE clearly illegal orders? Did they object to any of the other myriad illegal orders which have been flying around for the past 19+ years under the guise of protecting homeland security? Did they object to the treatment received by Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange when those two heros pointed out the obvious crimes committed by the military and "our" government? I sincerely doubt it. I DO NOT condone the use of violence, either by the "protestors" or the federal agents. I DO approve of this constitutional right: Amendment 1 ... the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. But that's not what's happening, is it? The events in Seattle, Portland, and elsewhere can best be described this way: insurrection : an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government And the current insurrection is being aided and abetted by a corporate MSM in furtherance of "The Great Reset". These so-called veterans should be asking this: Do the people who attend the World Economic Forum support or defend the US Constitution? The only honest answer to that question is "absolutely not". They want to see it destroyed.
A survey of "best countries to raise a family" has ranked the USA as 34th out of 35 nations (i.e., almost dead last). You can find the details here: Do you think ANY current political candidate or corporate leader has plans to improve this situation? I don't. And this is not an accidental finding. America's economic, financial, and social institutions are so screwed up it almost seems someone did this to us intentionally.
Several years ago a coworker of mine got upset when she read the words "White Superior" in a document. It was the name for a brand of US-made engines. A similar aversion to such terminology persists today, especially in US colleges and universities. Here is an example: I'd like to point out something - Some of the very people who promote such thinking are also in favor of developing super artificial intelligence (SAI) which will rule our world. Why does that matter? As expressed in the following report, it's likely SAI will treat us as pets or (even worse) as slaves for its amusement: The vast majority of people don't comprehend what's going on. Most of the top tech titans don't appear to think of us as anything other than useless eaters who can be manipulated for their own benefit. Anyone who thinks anything good can come from such people is deluding themselves. We're likely to suffer a fate even worse than that of any slave. WTFU !!!
I don't watch Colbert, but here something Trump's niece apparently said on his show: "We’re talking about a man who I believe could not function in the real world on his own,” said Mary. "A crucial reason he’s gotten as far as he has is he’s continually protected by what I consider institutions. He’s had all of his needs taken care of. He’s never been held accountable. He’s been protected from his failures and he’s been allowed to fail upward spectacularly." You can read the rest @ The most interesting aspect of this claim is that it can truthfully be made about these persons as well:
George H.W. Bush
Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Joe Biden
George W. Bush
Barack Obama ad-Dajjal
Michelle Obama
Nancy Pelosi
That's the way America works, Mary. To think otherwise borders on stupidity. By the way, did you even write that book?
Here it is, from the Global Research website: Whether the BLM leadership of a movement alternative is robust and comprehensive enough to end American freefall will become clearer in coming months. You can read the rest @ At least as far as most daily reports go, BLM appears to be in a "tear down the USA" mode. What exactly have they proposed which could end our apparent freefall? We soon may see the end of Trump and Trumpism, but predatory capitalism is here to stay. It will be repackaged as "The Great Reset", but don't expect the ultra rich to give up ANY of their money, power and privilege. By the way, here is another bizarre claim: Our forever wars and endless regime change initiatives have been enthusiastically supported by Democrats and Republicans alike. It's ridiculous to believe such things will end just because Joe Biden Hillary Clinton wins the 2020 election. This claim is just another gimmick. Update 7/24/2020 And here is further proof - Congress is NOT in favor of cutting military spending: Does anyone think this will change after the 2020 election? I don't. US hegemony is BASED on military threats. TPTB are unlikely to change that as long as China, Iran, and Russia are on the rise.
Here is an analysis from the GEFIRA website: The five post-Soviet Central Asian republics – Kazakhstan (19 mln inhabitants), Kyrgyzstan (6), Tajikistan (8,5), Uzbekistan (30) and Turkmenistan (5) – making up a joint area of almost 4 million square kilometers (by roughly one million larger than the area of India or Argentina), with the total population equalling 68 million (comparable to that of France or Great Britain) is a very important spot on the globe, landlocked between Russia, China, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran. You can read the rest @ Although the region allegedly has been gravitating toward the US, one has to ask why. Other than military aid, what do we have to offer them? Our "strategy" (if that's what it can be called) seems to be based on wrecking China's plans and not on providing the region with anything tangible. And what the hell is Turkey doing? Among other things, they're screwing with Greece, Egypt, and Libya: Note the above GEFIRA report says nothing about Islam, which is strange considering the large Muslim populations in the Central Asian republics. As Turkey expands its reach as a regional power, will it continue to be aligned with NATO and the US, or will it stand in the way of US aspirations in the region?
Amazon - which is becoming the world's supermarket
Apple and Microsoft - which are becoming the world's business communication forum
Facebook - which wants to become the world's advertising platform
Google - which is becoming the world's surveillance system
And all those who are pushing universal vaccination, and digital ID/payment systems
I'm not accusing anyone of anything in particular, other than taking advantage of a man-made catastrophe to seize power and suck the wealth of the world into their collective coffers. Is that the kind of world we want to live in?
The Smithsonian Institution recently published a derogatory assessment of "white culture":
You can read about it @ If there now is something "wrong" with self-reliance, a strong family structure, rationality, belief in cause and effect, and hard work, then we are headed into a dark age from which we may never emerge. And for one of our core cultural institutions to push this kind of nonsense is quite alarming. This is the very kind of demonization which precedes a holocaust. You better wake up to that fact and do something about it.
Here is an interesting conclusion which can be drawn from the circumstances of Jack Ma's Ant IPO: Considering everything from the U.S.’s threat to delist Chinese companies, to moves to strip Hong Kong of its special status, it’s more than clear that China is starting its process of de-dollarization and furthering the internationalization of its own currency. You can read the rest @ So while we're screwing around, arguing about history and privilege, the Chinese are ACTING, and they're doing so in ways which will lead to the decimation of our economy. I hope you're happy now, because truly sad days lie ahead.
People are whining at President Trump for not taking the lead in the fight against COVID-19. Here's one example: And people are whining at President Trump for taking action against rioters in Portland, Oregon. Here is one such report: It appears the whiners will only be satisfied if the President does what THEY want. Well, guess what? He's the office holder, so what he does and how he does it are HIS choices. The cabinet and the Congress are there to advise him, but not to tell him what to do. He has made a POLICY choice, and if you don't like it we've got an election coming up in a few months. As for those of you who say his actions are "unconstitutional", I guess you didn't read these parts of the document: Article I, Section 8 The Congress shall have Power 15: To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions ... Article II, Section 2 1: The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States ... I think one can argue whether calling up and deploying federal forces at this time was LEGAL, but since what is happening is CLEARLY an insurrection and NOT a peaceful protest, it's ridiculous to claim Trump's actions are unconstitutional. Even the Posse Comitatus Act (Section 1385 of Title 18 USC) appears to support Trump's actions: Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both. Suppressing an insurrection is clearly "under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution". Anyone hindering the President's ability to carry out his duty to do so is giving aid and comfort to the insurrectionists, are they not? So what does that tell you? Update 7/22/2020 According to this assessment, Trump has been using Homeland Security powers to fight the insurrection: Can you think of a more logical use for such powers? Terror is terror, and can anyone truthfully deny that US insurrectionists are in fact terrorists? By the way, the US has been in a declared state of emergency continuously since 9/11. If Congress doesn't want federal forces to be used for such purposes, then why do they keep renewing the declaration every year?
And that decrease in value occurred with the full knowledge of the Federal (sic) Reserve System, the US Congress, and all of our corporations and banks, none of whom did a damn thing to stop it. US Constitution Article I, Section 8 The Congress shall have Power 5: To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures; And they did a damn shitty job, didn't they?
Although patients are being deprived of necessary pain meds as part of the "war" on opioids, I don't know of too many doctors who ever prescribed heroin or fentanyl to their outpatients.
This crap is coming in from OUTSIDE the US, and the incompetent (i.e., nonexistent) control of our borders is allowing it in.
One might ask why so many people take the stuff, and I would suggest it's because so many people are out of work and have no meaning in their lives. What do you think?
Here is a graphic showing how the world's economies have changed:
Source - Note well - China did not FORCE us to shut down our factories and shift production to their shores. That was a choice made by US corporate CEOs and their puppets in the US Congress. We were stabbed in the back by these traitors and did NOTHING about it. Now the same corporations and Congress are making it seem that WE somehow are responsible for slavery and privilege. What a crock of shit. The burden of guilt falls squarely on their cowardly shoulders.
Like it or not, these four women and their allies are likely to fundamentally change the USA:
My last workplace boss used to say "change is good". I didn't always agree, but we definitely need significant economic and social changes if our nation is to survive. Here is a great discussion of the Beast who wants to force "The Great Reset" upon us: The main differences I see between the plans of China and the Beast are these:
China's plan respects national sovereignty (at least for now), while the Beast's does not; and
China's plan is likely to work, while The Great Reset of the West is building upon a foundation which is likely to crumble.
Whether The Squad or someone else is the face of our future, you can rest assured that most of the clowns currently running our government are on their way out. Thank G-d for that.
Here is a lengthy interview with James Lovelock, creator of the Gaia theory: Here are some selected quotes (in italics), followed by my comments: 1. I’m not a scientist really. I’m an inventor or a mechanic. Lately I have felt it's a bad idea to let scientists tell us how to run the world. Engineers have a better perspective for that. 2. I would say the biosphere and I are both in the last 1% of our lives. If this is true we're running out of time to save ourselves, if such a thing is possible. 3. I always find it fascinating how the statistics illustrate that the health of the nation was enormously better at the end of the second world war than it was at the beginning. Does that mean we should have another world war? Perish the thought. 4. I have felt for some time that the universities are getting dangerously like the early church. They have dozens of different sects and they are quite proud if you belong to one of them: if you are a chemist you often don’t know anything about biology and so on. This is why ordinary university science is not really helpful because the department looking at seaweed would not be the same as the one looking at methyl iodide. It is a division into bits. It’s time universities were revolutionised and had much more common thinking. Boy, is he right on that one! Universities are destroying human thought, not encouraging it. 5. I always advocated nuclear as a good and cheap and sensible way of getting energy especially now that thorium is available as a fuel. But too many people hate it. I don't hate nuclear power, but I do know from experience that the risks are far greater than most people realize. Can you say Chernobyl or Fukushima? 6. Humans are evolving rapidly. We have changed from a tribal animal into a city animal. Look at most insects and they have trod that path already. Yes, we're turning into insects. Is that a good thing? Once we're fully integrated into an AI controlled hive, all living things (including us) will be easier to manipulate. But if the AI has the power of life and death, what do you think it will do to us? I suspect it will push us into a much smaller role in the overall scheme of things. Something tells me Lovelock would be pleased with that sort of outcome.