Saturday, May 11, 2019

Helium And The End Times

Yesterday I watched a news clip on TV about the global helium shortage. Here is a report about the issue:

You may recall I previously wrote about a link between helium and the End Times. If not, you can read about it here:

In today's world (2019), the helium wells in Amarillo, TX have dried up. Apparently Qatar is now the world's greatest source of helium.

This may mean I was wrong about the entrance to the Garden of Eden, or it may mean the entrance has moved. Whatever the case, if this helium is being produced by the flaming sword of the cherubim then something is going on.

Couple that with the collapsing of the planet's magnetic field, the recent overt moves aimed at rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem, and the general takeover of our culture by Satan and his minions, and you have strong evidence that we may be on a fast track to the End Times.

Pray hard ... and do NOT take the mark.

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