Thursday, February 18, 2016

Should Hillary Have Her Head Examined ???

“Electing someone to be president of the United States who has post-concussion syndrome is a real concern to me,” [Dr.] Kassicieh said.

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Kassicieh pointed to published incidents that WND has previously reported:

  • Bill Clinton, during a question and answer session at the Peterson Foundation in Washington, on May 14, 2014, told the audience that the concussion Hillary suffered “required six months of very serious work to get over.”
  • After Clinton recovered sufficiently from the concussion and brain clot suffered in December 2012 to testify before Congress on Benghazi in January 2013, the New York Daily News reported she was wearing medically modified eyeglasses. Attached to each lens by transparent adhesive tape was a Fresnel prism designed to treat the double vision resulting from the concussion and blood clot.
  • On Nov. 16, 2015, between Hillary Clinton’s aides Huma Abedin and Monica Hanley dated Jan. 26, 2013, regarding Clinton’s schedule. The aides said it was “very important” to go over phone calls with Clinton because the former secretary of state was “often confused.”
  • Clinton’s five-minute bathroom break at the third Democratic debate in Goffstown, New Hampshire, on Dec. 19, 2015, initially attributed to the distance of the woman’s bathroom from the stage, was reported to have caused a “flare up of problems from brain injury” that required Clinton to sit in a chair off-stage to recover from fatigue, dizziness and disorientation.

“Add these published reports to the fact Hillary tends to make short public appearances and often appears fatigued, as well as her alleged forgetfulness over the last six to eight months would all point to her having some degree of post-concussion syndrome,” Kassicieh said.

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“Obviously, because Hilary is a politician, she would want to keep out of the public domain the fact she might be suffering from post-concussion syndrome,” he said. But if she were my patient I would want to send her for neuropsychological testing to get a more precise diagnosis of the post-concussion symptoms I believe we are observing.”

You can read the rest @

If she gets the nomination, we should pay close attention to whom she picks as her running mate. That person actually may wind up being our next President instead of her.

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