Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Morsi on the way out; who's on the way in?

If you ever wondered how a global police state (Strobe Talbott's "single global authority") would come about, you can watch part of it unfold in Egypt:

First, get control of the global banking system.

Second, form interlocking alliances between all military forces everywhere.

Third, agitate from within each nation for "regime change".

It's not difficult, but it sure will be painful.

Recall what Baudrillard said in The Gulf War Did Not Take Place:

The crucial stake, the decisive stake in this whole affair is the consensual reduction of Islam to the global order.  Not to destroy but to domesticate it, by whatever means: modernization, even military, politicization, nationalism, democracy, the Rights of Man, anything at all to electrocute the resistances and the symbolic challenge that Islam represents for the entire West.  There is no miracle, the confrontation will last as long as this process has not reached its term; by contrast, it will stop as though of its own accord the day when this form of radical challenge has been liquidated.  This was how it happened in the Vietnam war: the day when China was neutralized, when the “wild” Vietnam with its forces of liberation and revolt was replaced by a truly bureaucratic and military organization capable of ensuring the continuation of Order, the Vietnam war stopped immediately — but ten years were necessary for this political domestication to take place (whether it took place under communism or democracy is of no importance).

1 comment:

  1. True. The propaganda machine has spun uncontrollably to oust him...the question is who is backing the military internationally? It will unveil the "3rd hand"
