Monday, August 28, 2023

Kid's Guts And Autism

Here is a report about a recent paper which associates autism with changes in the gut microbiome:

And here is Andrew Wakefield's retracted 1998 paper which associated autism with a vaccine:

Had Wakefield just described the syndrome without mentioning the vaccine, he might today be heralded as a hero. Instead, possibly due to the influence of Big Pharma, he lost his medical license and is a pariah.

Collectively humanity lost 25 years worth of potential progress in the search for a cure, and for what? So that corporate CEOs, doctors, and bureaucrats could get rich?

Or was it so that people would someday more readily accept that mRNA vaccines are safe and effective?

Update - 9/12/2023

Here is additional discussion:

Definitely gives more credence to the phrase "I have a gut feeling".

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