Saturday, February 4, 2023

No, NOT A "Sputnik Moment"

You must have heard of the Chinese "spy balloons" by now. The latest incident is being called a "Sputnik moment":

I think it's more of a U-2 spy plane moment.

Back in 1960, a U-2 flown by Francis Gary Powers was shot down over the Soviet Union. The incident wrecked a pending "summit" meeting between President Eisenhower and Soviet Premier Krushchev:

While there are similarities and differences between the two incidents, the ultimate impact of both was to heighten tensions between two countries which really should be trying to make peace with each other. Obviously, someone didn't want peace then and doesn't want it now.

Big question not being asked is why these "spy balloons" (if that's what they are) are such a big deal. The US has over 100 military satellites in orbit, and other sovereign nations have their own. Why are our satellites "good" while theirs are "bad"? And why is the massive Israeli spying on the US not even ever mentioned in such discussions? What's THAT all about?

What's "bad" in my view is that we're clearly goading Russia, China, and Iran into a wider war, with NO effort being made to defuse the situation.

I think we should pause and reconsider what we're doing. Even if the US were to somehow "win" the current conflict there would be no tangible benefit to US citizens.

So why are we supporting this nonsense?

Update - 2/5/2023

Here is additional discussion:

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