Monday, February 21, 2022

More Absurd Russia Claims

According to this absurd essay, "the world may be entering an alarming new era":

There have been dozens of wars in the almost 80 years since World War II ended. But if Russia invades Ukraine in the coming days, it will be different from almost all of them. It will be another sign that the world may be entering an alarming new era in which authoritarianism is on the rise.

Here are the two main ways that a war in Ukraine would be distinct:

1. Regional dominance

A Russian invasion of Ukraine seems likely to involve one of the world’s largest militaries launching an unprovoked ground invasion of a neighboring country. The apparent goal would be an expansion of regional dominance, either through annexation or the establishment of a puppet government.

2. Democratic recession

Political scientists have been warning for several years that democracy is in decline around the world. Larry Diamond of Stanford University has described the trend as a “democratic recession.”

Freedom House, which tracks every country in the world, reports that global political freedom has declined every year since 2006. Last year, Freedom House concluded, “the countries experiencing deterioration outnumbered those with improvements by the largest margin recorded since the negative trend began.”

A Russian takeover of Ukraine would contribute to this democratic recession in a new way: An autocracy would be taking over a democracy by force.

You can read the rest @

This has nothing to do with regional dominance, either through annexation or the establishment of a puppet government ... at least not in the way the essay implies. And it would not represent an autocracy taking over a democracy by force.

The US instigated a coup which overthrew the elected government of Ukraine and installed a US puppet government in 2014. If anything, Russia wants to RESTORE democracy and self determination to Ukraine and the areas which voted to join Russia.

Russia also seeks to induce the US and NATO to honor prior agreements and treaties and to prevent the placement of nuclear weapons on her border. This is not unlike what the US sought to do in 1962 when it induced the USSR to remove its nuclear missiles from Cuba. The US has its Monroe Doctrine, and Russia has a similar policy. What's wrong with that?

The US government is full of liars. So are the MSM and most of social media. Instead of distracting us with nonsense like the above essay, they ought to be warning us about the dangers of what the WEF intends to do with our nation.

But instead they're acting like the WEF is our friend. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Update - 2/23/2022

Here is an EXCELLENT discussion of how much of what the US and NATO claim is a pack of lies:

I used to be proud to be an American. Not any more.

Update - 2/26/2022

Here is additional discussion:

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