Monday, February 21, 2022

Fate Of The People's Convoy

Apparently US truckers are starting their own freedom convoy. Here is one of their logos:

A similar movement in Canada has been put down using brutal force and emergency war powers:

You might think things will go differently in the US. After all, we are guaranteed freedom of speech and assembly, right?

Unfortunately, history tells a different story. Here's what happened to two notable past "people's" gatherings:

  • The Bonus Army of 1932 and their families were driven from DC at swordpoint by cavalry led by George S. Patton, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Douglas MacArthur.
  • The Poor People's Campaign of 1968 also was driven from DC by riot police following the (government sponsored?) murder of their leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Those two misadventures, coupled with the so-called 1/6 "insurrection", strongly suggest Uncle Sam and his minions aren't going to take any more crap from the basket of deplorables known as We the People. Stand by for some head cracking and widespread civil forfeitures, followed by the imposition of BigTech-enabled draconian measures to keep us in our place until we can be pushed into the "vaccine" abattoir.

By the way, if the goal of all such measures is to "protect democracy", why aren't the governments of the West going after the World Economic Forum, whose leader appears to have boasted about his group's "infiltration" of our governments and whose goals arguably could be described as the complete destruction of our way of life?

We seem to have gone from "no taxation without representation" to "let these bastards do to us whatever they want". That is NOT the American Way.

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